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A mere touch at the wall of the cabin can _____ the astronauts flying about in the space ship.









句意:宇航员在舱内轻轻接触舱壁就能飞来飞去。send sb. doing ...使某人进入某种状态。
更多 “单选题A mere touch at the wall of the cabin can _____ the astronauts flying about in the space ship.A enableB sendC makeD place” 相关考题
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考题 --How amazing it is that astronauts are exploring outer space!--It’s a challenge, I guess, man against nature.A. of B. for C. by D. about

考题 Can people smoke in the plane?A.N0,they can’t.B.Yes,but only in some areas of the place.C.Yes,but only in the cabin.D.It is not mentioned in the announcement.

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考题 The key to the industrialization of space is the U.S.space shuttle.With it,t astronauts will acquire a workhouse vehicle( )of flying into space and returning many times.Powered by reusable rockets that can lift a load of 65,000 pounds,the shuttle will carry devices for scientific inquiry,as well as a variety of military hardware.A.capable B.suitable C.efficient D.fit

考题 共用题干 Motion SicknessLiving in space looks like lots of fun.You can do certain things in space(like floating around,or pushing huge objects)that you cannot do on earth.But being in space can do things to you,too.If you stay too long in a gravity-free environment,your bones could become weak,and a small spaceship just might annoy you after a while,because space travel could make you seasick!On July 4, 1982,after seven days orbiting the earth,astronauts Thomas K. Mattingly and Henry W. Hartsfield returned home.Although not all of the experiments on board worked properly,the flight basically seemed to be a success except for one"little"thing: early in the flight,astronaut Hartsfield became"seasick".Thomas Mattingly,who is also a jet pilot and is highly resistant to motion sickness on earth,did much better.Mattingly sailed through space with a steady stomach.But no one knows why Hartsfield felt uneasy and Mattingly did not.So far it seems there is no reliable way to predict who will become motion sick in outer space and who will not.In all,at least four astronauts have suffered from space motion sickness. Russian and American scientists are working together to try to understand and solve the motion sickness.Space program officials worry that if so many highly-trained pilots get sick in space,what will happen when civilians start flying in the shuttle?Motion sickness is a disagreeable feeling that comes from the pitching,rolling, swaying,or just the moving of the object you are riding in or on.Symptoms of motion sickness include:dizziness,headache,a sinking feeling in the stomach,and vomiting (呕吐).Why does motion make some people ill?Doctors believe that motion sickness is caused by a disturbance in the inner ear.Our ears do more than give us hearing.A part of the ears gives us a sense of balance and helps make us aware of whether we are right side up or upside down.If you know that you get carsick or seasick,what can you do?Speak to your doctor. There are certain medicines available that can help stop that uneasy feeling.But many of them can also make you sleepy.Usually they work best takenbefore you begin feeling ill.Some people also recommend water,ice cubes,mints,or plain toast.But these remedies do not always work for everyone.Perhaps,since motion sickness is such a big problem in outer space,researchers may soon find a way to cure the astronauts一and those of us who stay on earth.Mattingly was much thinner than Hartsfield.A:Right B:Wrong C:Not mentioned

考题 共用题干 Motion SicknessLiving in space looks like lots of fun.You can do certain things in space(like floating around,or pushing huge objects)that you cannot do on earth.But being in space can do things to you,too.If you stay too long in a gravity-free environment,your bones could become weak,and a small spaceship just might annoy you after a while,because space travel could make you seasick!On July 4, 1982,after seven days orbiting the earth,astronauts Thomas K. Mattingly and Henry W. Hartsfield returned home.Although not all of the experiments on board worked properly,the flight basically seemed to be a success except for one"little"thing: early in the flight,astronaut Hartsfield became"seasick".Thomas Mattingly,who is also a jet pilot and is highly resistant to motion sickness on earth,did much better.Mattingly sailed through space with a steady stomach.But no one knows why Hartsfield felt uneasy and Mattingly did not.So far it seems there is no reliable way to predict who will become motion sick in outer space and who will not.In all,at least four astronauts have suffered from space motion sickness. Russian and American scientists are working together to try to understand and solve the motion sickness.Space program officials worry that if so many highly-trained pilots get sick in space,what will happen when civilians start flying in the shuttle?Motion sickness is a disagreeable feeling that comes from the pitching,rolling, swaying,or just the moving of the object you are riding in or on.Symptoms of motion sickness include:dizziness,headache,a sinking feeling in the stomach,and vomiting (呕吐).Why does motion make some people ill?Doctors believe that motion sickness is caused by a disturbance in the inner ear.Our ears do more than give us hearing.A part of the ears gives us a sense of balance and helps make us aware of whether we are right side up or upside down.If you know that you get carsick or seasick,what can you do?Speak to your doctor. There are certain medicines available that can help stop that uneasy feeling.But many of them can also make you sleepy.Usually they work best takenbefore you begin feeling ill.Some people also recommend water,ice cubes,mints,or plain toast.But these remedies do not always work for everyone.Perhaps,since motion sickness is such a big problem in outer space,researchers may soon find a way to cure the astronauts一and those of us who stay on earth.Floating in space for too long a time may also do harm to one's lungs and heart.A:Right B:Wrong C:Not mentioned

考题 共用题干 Motion SicknessLiving in space looks like lots of fun.You can do certain things in space(like floating around,or pushing huge objects)that you cannot do on earth.But being in space can do things to you,too.If you stay too long in a gravity-free environment,your bones could become weak,and a small spaceship just might annoy you after a while,because space travel could make you seasick!On July 4, 1982,after seven days orbiting the earth,astronauts Thomas K. Mattingly and Henry W. Hartsfield returned home.Although not all of the experiments on board worked properly,the flight basically seemed to be a success except for one"little"thing: early in the flight,astronaut Hartsfield became"seasick".Thomas Mattingly,who is also a jet pilot and is highly resistant to motion sickness on earth,did much better.Mattingly sailed through space with a steady stomach.But no one knows why Hartsfield felt uneasy and Mattingly did not.So far it seems there is no reliable way to predict who will become motion sick in outer space and who will not.In all,at least four astronauts have suffered from space motion sickness. Russian and American scientists are working together to try to understand and solve the motion sickness.Space program officials worry that if so many highly-trained pilots get sick in space,what will happen when civilians start flying in the shuttle?Motion sickness is a disagreeable feeling that comes from the pitching,rolling, swaying,or just the moving of the object you are riding in or on.Symptoms of motion sickness include:dizziness,headache,a sinking feeling in the stomach,and vomiting (呕吐).Why does motion make some people ill?Doctors believe that motion sickness is caused by a disturbance in the inner ear.Our ears do more than give us hearing.A part of the ears gives us a sense of balance and helps make us aware of whether we are right side up or upside down.If you know that you get carsick or seasick,what can you do?Speak to your doctor. There are certain medicines available that can help stop that uneasy feeling.But many of them can also make you sleepy.Usually they work best takenbefore you begin feeling ill.Some people also recommend water,ice cubes,mints,or plain toast.But these remedies do not always work for everyone.Perhaps,since motion sickness is such a big problem in outer space,researchers may soon find a way to cure the astronauts一and those of us who stay on earth.The motion sickness some astronauts suffered from during space travel had been caused by the defective digestive system.A:Right B:Wrong C:Not mentioned

考题 共用题干 Motion SicknessLiving in space looks like lots of fun.You can do certain things in space(like floating around,or pushing huge objects)that you cannot do on earth.But being in space can do things to you,too.If you stay too long in a gravity-free environment,your bones could become weak,and a small spaceship just might annoy you after a while,because space travel could make you seasick!On July 4, 1982,after seven days orbiting the earth,astronauts Thomas K. Mattingly and Henry W. Hartsfield returned home.Although not all of the experiments on board worked properly,the flight basically seemed to be a success except for one"little"thing: early in the flight,astronaut Hartsfield became"seasick".Thomas Mattingly,who is also a jet pilot and is highly resistant to motion sickness on earth,did much better.Mattingly sailed through space with a steady stomach.But no one knows why Hartsfield felt uneasy and Mattingly did not.So far it seems there is no reliable way to predict who will become motion sick in outer space and who will not.In all,at least four astronauts have suffered from space motion sickness. Russian and American scientists are working together to try to understand and solve the motion sickness.Space program officials worry that if so many highly-trained pilots get sick in space,what will happen when civilians start flying in the shuttle?Motion sickness is a disagreeable feeling that comes from the pitching,rolling, swaying,or just the moving of the object you are riding in or on.Symptoms of motion sickness include:dizziness,headache,a sinking feeling in the stomach,and vomiting (呕吐).Why does motion make some people ill?Doctors believe that motion sickness is caused by a disturbance in the inner ear.Our ears do more than give us hearing.A part of the ears gives us a sense of balance and helps make us aware of whether we are right side up or upside down.If you know that you get carsick or seasick,what can you do?Speak to your doctor. There are certain medicines available that can help stop that uneasy feeling.But many of them can also make you sleepy.Usually they work best takenbefore you begin feeling ill.Some people also recommend water,ice cubes,mints,or plain toast.But these remedies do not always work for everyone.Perhaps,since motion sickness is such a big problem in outer space,researchers may soon find a way to cure the astronauts一and those of us who stay on earth.Russian and American scientists are working together to solve the problem of motion sickness in astronauts.A:Right B:Wrong C:Not mentioned

考题 共用题干 Motion SicknessLiving in space looks like lots of fun.You can do certain things in space(like floating around,or pushing huge objects)that you cannot do on earth.But being in space can do things to you,too.If you stay too long in a gravity-free environment,your bones could become weak,and a small spaceship just might annoy you after a while,because space travel could make you seasick!On July 4, 1982,after seven days orbiting the earth,astronauts Thomas K. Mattingly and Henry W. Hartsfield returned home.Although not all of the experiments on board worked properly,the flight basically seemed to be a success except for one"little"thing: early in the flight,astronaut Hartsfield became"seasick".Thomas Mattingly,who is also a jet pilot and is highly resistant to motion sickness on earth,did much better.Mattingly sailed through space with a steady stomach.But no one knows why Hartsfield felt uneasy and Mattingly did not.So far it seems there is no reliable way to predict who will become motion sick in outer space and who will not.In all,at least four astronauts have suffered from space motion sickness. Russian and American scientists are working together to try to understand and solve the motion sickness.Space program officials worry that if so many highly-trained pilots get sick in space,what will happen when civilians start flying in the shuttle?Motion sickness is a disagreeable feeling that comes from the pitching,rolling, swaying,or just the moving of the object you are riding in or on.Symptoms of motion sickness include:dizziness,headache,a sinking feeling in the stomach,and vomiting (呕吐).Why does motion make some people ill?Doctors believe that motion sickness is caused by a disturbance in the inner ear.Our ears do more than give us hearing.A part of the ears gives us a sense of balance and helps make us aware of whether we are right side up or upside down.If you know that you get carsick or seasick,what can you do?Speak to your doctor. There are certain medicines available that can help stop that uneasy feeling.But many of them can also make you sleepy.Usually they work best takenbefore you begin feeling ill.Some people also recommend water,ice cubes,mints,or plain toast.But these remedies do not always work for everyone.Perhaps,since motion sickness is such a big problem in outer space,researchers may soon find a way to cure the astronauts一and those of us who stay on earth.People suffering from motion sickness during space travel can alleviate its symptoms by eating or drinking something.A:Right B:Wrong C:Not mentioned

考题 The key to the industrialization of space is the U.S. space shuttle.______ it, astronauts will be able to fly into space and returning many times. A.With B.By C.On D.In

考题 No one can possibly recall any detail about the meeting. it is at least five years since it ()A、had taken placeB、was takenplaceC、tookplaceD、was taking place

考题 在linux系统中,定制vi编制器用的定制命令是()。A、aliasB、setC、makeD、touch

考题 You have enabled resumable space allocation in your database by setting the RESUMABLE_TIMEOUT parameter set to a nonzero value.Which three statements about resumable space allocation are true? ()A、Even with resumable space allocation enabled for your database, you can disable resumable space allocation for a single session.B、A resumable statement is suspended only if an out of space error occurs. (Out of space condition Maximum extents reached condition,Space quota exceeded condition)C、When a resumable statement is suspended, the transaction that contains the statement is also suspended.D、A resumable statement can only be suspended and resumed once during the execution of the statement.E、You can query the V$SESSION_WAIT dynamic performance view to identify the statements that are suspended for a session.

考题 单选题The key to the industrialization of space is the US space shuttle with it, astronauts will acquire a workhouse vehicle _____ of flying into space and returning many times.A capableB suitableC efficientD fit

考题 单选题Can people smoke in the plane?A No, they can’t.B Yes, but only in some areas of the plane.C Yes, but only in the cabin.

考题 单选题A mere touch at the wall of the cabin can _____ the astronauts flying about in the space ship.A enableB sendC makeD place

考题 单选题Wrought iron has an inherent resistance to corrosion but is not to be had freely , its place has been taken by the cuprous alloysAccording to the above sentence , which of the following statements is true?()A Wrought iron can resist liquids flowB It is difficult to attain the wrought ironC Wrought iron should be combined with cuprous alloysD The cuprous alloys have mere disadvantages than wrought iron

考题 单选题The best title for this passage is _____.A Traveling in SpaceB Sleeping in the Spacecraft.C Equipment Used by Astronauts.D The Earth Seen from Outer Space.

考题 单选题It can be inferred from Paragraph 2 that human society will become increasingly ______.A worried about life on other planets.B dependent on space tourism.C accustomed to long-distance flights.D associated with space exploration.

考题 单选题The cylinder is fitted with internal liner so that a water space is left () the liner and the outer wall.A aroundB amongC inD between

考题 单选题No one can possibly recall any detail about the meeting. it is at least five years since it ()A had taken placeB was takenplaceC tookplaceD was taking place

考题 单选题Which statement about access lists that are applied to an interface is true?()A you can apply multiple access lists with the same protocol or in different…B you can config one access list,per direction,per layer 3 protocolC you can place as many access lists as you want on any interfaceD you can apply ony one access list on any interface

考题 单选题—______ can I get the iPad if I place an order today?—In about three days, sir.A How soonB How longC How often

考题 单选题Which is said about The Flying Hat?A A movie about the story is coming out.B People can buy the book all over the world.C The writer started the book because of a mistake.D The story is about a boy with a magic book.

考题 单选题Which of the following is NOT true about the iPad?A It has a keyboard and a mouse.B It has a 9.7-inch touch screen.C People can read e-books with it.D It costs people 499 dollars at least.