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  • A、将磁带中的所有文件放入home目录中
  • B、列出磁带上所有来自home目录的文件
  • C、备份/home下的所有文件
  • D、备份/home下的所有文件和目录


更多 “命令tarcvf/dev/rmt/c0t3d0/home的作用是?()A、将磁带中的所有文件放入home目录中B、列出磁带上所有来自home目录的文件C、备份/home下的所有文件D、备份/home下的所有文件和目录” 相关考题
考题 Asystemadministratorhasanapplicationthathasthedatainvolumegroupappvg.Whichofthefollowingcommandswillbackupthecontentsofappvgtothetapein/dev/rmt0andcheckforanyreaderrors?() A.savevg-mf/dev/rmt0appvgB.savevg-cvf/dev/rmt0appvgC.savevg-xvf/dev/rmt0appvgD.savevg-f/dev/rmt0-Vappvg

考题 AsupportspecialiststartedtoapplyanAPARonasystembyinsertingthetapeintothetapedrive,andloadedthefixusingsmittyinstallp.Thefollowingerrormessageisdisplayed:tapenotinbackupformatWhichofthefollowingwillresolvethisproblem?()A.Changedensitysettingto2B.Settapedeviceto/dev/rmt0C.Setblocksizeto0forvariableD.Enablecompressionontapedevice

考题 Whichofthefollowingcommandswillremovethehardwaredefinitionofthetapedrivermt0fromasystem?() A.rm/dev/rmt0B.rmdel-srmt0C.rmdev-dlrmt0D.tctl-f/dev/rmt0erase

考题 Anadministratorneedstobeabletolistthenumberandsizeofbackupsetsonatape.Whichofthefollowingproceduresaccomplishthis() A.Usethetcopy/dev/rmtO.luntilanend-of-tapeerrornotificationisreceived.B.Usethecpio-idmv/dev/rmtO.luntilanend-of-tapeerrornotificationisreceived.C.Usethetar-tvf/dev/rmtO.lrepeatedlyuntilanend-of-tapeerrornotificationisreceived.D.Usetheddif=/dev/rmt0.1bs=128kcount=EOTuntilanend-of-tapeerrornotificationisreceived.

考题 命令tar cvf /dev/rmt/c0t3d0 /home的作用是?() A.将磁带中的所有文件放入home目录中B.列出磁带上所有来自home目录的文件C.备份/home下的所有文件D.备份/home下的所有文件和目录

考题 Linux系统的目录/usr、/home、/bin、/dev/、/var、/etc/中主要存放什么文件?

考题 在HP-UX系统中,设备文件所在的目录是()。A、/home/rootB、/homeC、/D、/dev

考题 当使用dd命令建立一个空文件时,作为输入端的设备文件是:()。A、/dev/nullB、/dev/zeroC、/dev/hdaD、/dev/sda

考题 命令tar cvf /dev/rmt/c0t3d0 /home的作用是?()A、将磁带中的所有文件放入home目录中B、列出磁带上所有来自home目录的文件C、备份/home下的所有文件D、备份/home下的所有文件和目录

考题 14将光盘/dev/hdc卸载的命令是:()A、umount /dev/hdcB、unmount /mnt/cdrom /dev/hdcC、unmount /dev/hdcD、umount /mnt/cdrom /dev/hdc

考题 在UNIX的树型目录结构中,常见用途的目录有:/bin、/dev、/home、/temp、/usr、/var等,其中用来存放大部分可执行的UNIX命令和共用程序的目录是()。

考题 使用tar命令将/home备份打包为home.tar?()A、tarcvf/home home.tarB、tartvf home.tar/homeC、tarcvf home.tar/homeD、tarxvf home.tar/home

考题 A System p administrator has an application that has the data in volume group appvg.  Which of the following commands will back up the contents of appvg to the tape in /dev/rmt0 and check for any read errors ()A、savevg -mf /dev/rmt0 appvgB、savevg -cvf /dev/rmt0 appvgC、savevg -vf /dev/rmt0 appvgD、savevg -f /dev/rmt0 -V appvg

考题 Which of the following sequence of commands should be used to list the directories and files saved on a mksyst tape that has been rewound and placed in device rmt0?()A、tet1 -f /dev/rmt0 fsf 2; restore -xqvf /dev/rmt0B、tet1 -f /dev/rmt0.1 fsf2; restore -Tvf /dev/rmt0.1C、tet1 -f /dev/rmt0.1 fsf3; restore Tqvf /dev/rmt0.1D、tet1 -f /dev/rmt0.1 fsf3; restore -Tvf /dev/rmt0.1

考题 A system administrator has an application that has the data in volume group appvg. Which of the following commands will back up the contents of appvg to the tape in /dev/rmt0 and check for any read errors?()A、savevg -mf /dev/rmt0 appvgB、savevg -cvf /dev/rmt0 appvgC、savevg -xvf /dev/rmt0 appvgD、savevg -f /dev/rmt0 -V appvg

考题 Which of the following commands will remove the hardware definition of the tape drive rmt0 from a system?()A、rm /dev/rmt0B、rmdel -s rmt0C、rmdev -dl rmt0D、tctl -f /dev/rmt0 erase

考题 Which of the following sequence of commands extracts the third image from a tape that was created using the backup command?()A、tctl -f /dev/rmt0.1 fsf 2 ; tar -xv file3B、tctl -f /dev/rmt0.0 fsf 3 ; dd if=file3 pf =/dev/mt0.1C、tctl -f /dev/rmt0.1 fsf 2 ; dd if=/dev/rmt0.1 of=file3D、tctl -f /dev/rmt0.0 fsf 3 ; dd if=/dev/rmt0.1 of=file3

考题 将光盘/dev/hdc卸载的命令是()。A、umount/dev/hdcB、unmount/dev/hdcC、umount/mnt/cdrom/dev/hdcD、unmount/mnt/cdrom/dev/hdc

考题 单选题命令tarcvf/dev/rmt/c0t3d0/home的作用是?()A 将磁带中的所有文件放入home目录中B 列出磁带上所有来自home目录的文件C 备份/home下的所有文件D 备份/home下的所有文件和目录

考题 单选题Which of the following sequence of command extracts the tenth image form a tape in tape device rmt1?()A tet1 -f /dev/rmt1.0 fsf 9; tar -xv file 10B tet1 -f /dev/rmt1.1 fsf 10; tar -xv file 10C tet1 -f /dev/rmt1.1 fsf 9; dd if = /dev/rmt1.1 of=file 10D tet1 -f /dev/rmt1.0 fsf 9; dd if =file10 of /dev/rmt1.0

考题 单选题将分区/dev/sdb2设置为交换分区的命令:()A mkswap/dev/sdb2B mkswaponC mkswap/dev/D mkswap/dev/sdb

考题 填空题在UNIX的树型目录结构中,常见用途的目录有:/bin、/dev、/home、/temp、/usr、/var等,其中用来存放大部分可执行的UNIX命令和共用程序的目录是()。

考题 单选题启用交换分区/dev/sdb2的命令:()A swapon/dev/sdb2B swapon/dev/sdbC swapon-aD swapon-s

考题 单选题管理员初始化/home分区的正确的命令行是()。A quotacheck -o quota.user/dev/hda2B quotacheck -u --init /homeC quotacheck -MaD quotacheck -cu /home

考题 单选题An administrator needs to be able to restore a mksysb created on SERVER_A using a 4MM tape drive, to SERVER_B that only has an 8MM tape drive. There is an additional server that has a  4MM drive at /dev/rmt0 and an 8MM drive at /dev/rmt1.  Which of the following procedures should be followed to convert from the 4MM to 8MM format()A tcopy /dev/rmt0.1 /dev/rmt1.1B dd if=/dev/rmt0.1 of=/dev/rmt1.1C tar -xvf /dev/rmt0.1tar -cvf /dev/rmt1.1D cpio -ivcBDUM  /dev/rmt0.1cpio -ovcBDUM. /dev/rmt1.1

考题 单选题启用交换分区/dev/sdb5的命令:()A swapon/dev/sdb5B mkswap/dev/sdb5C mount/dev/sdb5D fdisk/dev/sdb5

考题 单选题Which of the following sequence of commands should be used to list the directories and files saved on a mksyst tape that has been rewound and placed in device rmt0?()A tet1 -f /dev/rmt0 fsf 2; restore -xqvf /dev/rmt0B tet1 -f /dev/rmt0.1 fsf2; restore -Tvf /dev/rmt0.1C tet1 -f /dev/rmt0.1 fsf3; restore Tqvf /dev/rmt0.1D tet1 -f /dev/rmt0.1 fsf3; restore -Tvf /dev/rmt0.1