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nuclear bodies,NBs (核体)


更多 “nuclear bodies,NBs (核体)” 相关考题
考题 It forms ________ of the novel. (A) a nuclear(B) a nucleus(C) the nuclear(D) the nucleus

考题 Liquid semiconductor is used to _________.A. get rid of the radioactive wasteB. test the power of nuclear batteries.C. decrease the size of nuclear batteriesD. reduce the damage to lattice structure.

考题 Nuclear is not the only ______ to energy crisis A、solverB、solveC、solvingD、solution

考题 The children stay in the nuclear family ____ they grow up and marry. Then they form. new nuclear families.A: becauseB: asC: untilD: since

考题 共用题干 The FamilyThe structure of a family takes different forms around the world and even in the same society.The family's form changes as it adapts to changing social and economic influences.Until recently, the most common form in North America was the nuclear family,consisting of a married couple with their minor children.The nuclear family is an independent unit.It must be prepared to fend for itself. Individual family members strongly depend on one another. There is little help from outside the family in emergencies.Elderly relatives of a nuclear family are cared for only if it is possible for the family to do so.In North America,the elderly often do not live with the family;they live in retirement communities and nursing homes.There are many parallels between the nuclear family in industrial societies,such as NorthAmerica,and of families in societies such as that of the Inuits,who live in harsh environments.The nuclear family structure is well adapted to a life of mobility. In harsh conditions,mobility allows the family to hunt for food.For North Americans,the hunt for jobs and improved social status also requires mobility.The nuclear family was not always the North American standard.In a more agrarian time,the small nuclear family was usually part of a larger extended family.This might have included grandparents,mother and father,brothers and sisters,uncles,aunts,and cousins.In North America today,there is a dramatic rise in the number of single-parent households.Twice as many households in the United States are headed by divorced, separated,or never-married individuals as are comprised of nuclear families. The structure of the family,not just in North America,but throughout the world,continues to change as it adapts to changing conditions.According to the passage,which is the definition of a nuclear family?A:.A nuclear family is a married couple with their minor children.B: A nuclear family is a single father with minor children.C: A nuclear family concludes parents,grandparents,and children.D: A nuclear family concludes parents,children,and aunts and uncles.

考题 目前我国印刷行业关于印刷复制品允许的色差范围是小于10NBS。

考题 同一批吸热玻璃色差应在()以下。A、12NBSB、8NBSC、3NBSD、6NBS

考题 服务改进中,建立内部考核体系,分为那两大类()A、绩效管理的考核体系B、服务目标的考核体系C、上下联动的服务管理体系D、客户导向的考核体系

考题 大地回线转换断路器简称为()。A、MRTBB、GRTSC、BPSD、NBS

考题 inner nuclear membrane (内核膜)

考题 nuclear protein (核蛋白)

考题 砂粒体(Psammoma bodies)

考题 NBS法是由日本创造开发研究所所长高桥诚,根据奥氏智力激励法改良而成。

考题 NBS是()

考题 单选题Although no proof yet exists of the electromagnetic disturbances observed being the results of nuclear weapons testing, diplomats are treating the situation with utmost delicacy.A of the electromagnetic disturbances observed being the results of nuclear weapons testingB regarding the observed electromagnetic disturbances having been the results of nuclear weapons testingC that the electromagnetic disturbances observed were the results of nuclear weapons testingD that nuclear weapons testing resulted in the electromagnetic disturbances having been observedE that the electromagnetic disturbance observed were resulting from nuclear weapons testing

考题 单选题While some military planners claimed that it would be possible to win a war fought with nuclear weapons, many scientists argued that such a war could not truly be won, because the fallout from nuclear warfare would create a nuclear winter and it also would be rendering the earth uninhabitable.A it also would be rendering the earth uninhabitableB rendering the earth uninhabitableC might have uninhabitably rendered the earthD render the earth uninhabitableE would also have rendered the earth uninhabitable

考题 单选题In the second paragraph, the author mainly discusses ______. .A the nuclear accidents in Japan last MarchB nuclear power policies in GermanyC German attitude towards nuclear powerD the safety levels of nuclear power plants in Germany

考题 单选题Which of the following is an appropriate title for this passage?A Japan's Nuclear Crisis Causes Fear in Europe.B The Chernobyl Disaster Helps Europe Better Understand Nuclear Power Energy.C German Governments Supports Nuclear Power Energy.D Germany Has Learnt a Lesson From Japan.

考题 单选题“羞赧”中的“赧”在普通话中的正确读音是()。A nǎnB sèC kuì

考题 单选题After several nuclear disasters, a _____ has raged over the safety of nuclear energy.A quarrelB suspicionC verdictD controversy

考题 单选题Which of the following is true of the heating system of the Johnstown campus?A The heat is supplied by human bodies only.B The heat is supplied by both human bodies and other heat-emitting objects.C The heat is supplied by both human bodies and conventional fuel.D The heat is supplied by human bodies, other heat-emitting objects, and conventional fuel.

考题 单选题According to Nishida, the current buying decision by Toshiba is a response to ______A fierce competition in nuclear power businessB failure in other businesses like semiconductors and DVD playersC popularity of nuclear power around the worldD expected increase in market demand for nuclear power generation

考题 名词解释题outer nuclear membrane (外核膜)

考题 单选题What does the passage mainly discuss?A The acquisition of British Nuclear Fuels by Toshiba.B The acquisition of Westinghouse Electric by Toshiba.C Toshiba’s expansion in nuclear power business.D Toshiba’s embarking on nuclear power business.

考题 名词解释题核区(nuclear region)

考题 名词解释题nuclear bodies,NBs (核体)

考题 单选题Hiper is being planned ______.A to compete with NIFB because NIF experiment, even successful, would not produce enough energy to run a nuclear fusion plantC to use the same laser technology but on a larger scaleD to demonstrate the feasibility of nuclear fusion