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You design a Business Intelligence (BI) solution by using SQL Server 2008.  The solution includes a SQL Server 2008 Reporting Services (SSRS) infrastructure in a scale-out deployment. All reports use a SQL Server 2008 relational database as the data source. You implement row-level security. You need to ensure that all reports display only the expected data based on the user who is viewing the report. What should you do?()

 Store the credential of a user in the data source.


 Configure the infrastructure to support Kerberos authentication.


 Configure the infrastructure to support anonymous authentication by using a custom authentication extension.


 Ensure that all report queries add a filter that uses the User.UserID value as a hidden parameter.


解析: 暂无解析
更多 “单选题You design a Business Intelligence (BI) solution by using SQL Server 2008.  The solution includes a SQL Server 2008 Reporting Services (SSRS) infrastructure in a scale-out deployment. All reports use a SQL Server 2008 relational database as the data source. You implement row-level security. You need to ensure that all reports display only the expected data based on the user who is viewing the report. What should you do?()A  Store the credential of a user in the data source.B  Configure the infrastructure to support Kerberos authentication.C  Configure the infrastructure to support anonymous authentication by using a custom authentication extension.D  Ensure that all report queries add a filter that uses the User.UserID value as a hidden parameter.” 相关考题
考题 单选题You have a computer named Computer1 that runs Windows 7. Computer1 has a shared printer. You needto configure Computer1 so that only Administrators are authorized to shut down the computer.  What should you do?()A From User Accounts, modify the user profiles settings.B From User Accounts, modify the User Account Control (UAC) settings.C From the local computer policy, modify the Security Options.D From the local computer policy, modify the User Rights Assignment.

考题 单选题慢性宫颈炎的典型临床表现是()A 外阴瘙痒B 白带增多C 外阴疼痛D 外阴灼热感E 外阴湿疹

考题 单选题提示有心功能不全存在()A 中心静脉压低,血压低B 中心静脉压高,血压低C 中心静脉压高,血压正常D 中心静脉压低,血压正常E 中心静脉压正常,血压低

考题 单选题Your network contains a public computer that runs Windows 7. Multiple users log on to the computer byusing a local user account named User1. Users report that they can log on to some secure Web sites byusing credentials that were saved by other users. You need to prevent forms-based credentials from beingsaved on the computer.  What should you do?()A Remove all generic credentials from Windows Vault.B Remove all Windows credentials from Windows Vault.C Modify the Windows Internet Explorer certificates settings.D Modify the Windows Internet Explorer AutoComplete settings.

考题 单选题You are developing an ASP.NET Web page. You add a data-bound GridView control. The GridView contains a TemplateField that includes a DropDownList. You set the GridViews ClientIDMode property to Static, and you set the ClientIDRowSuffix property to ProductID. You need to be able to reference individual DropDownList controls from client-side script by using the ProductID. What should you set the ClientIDMode property of the DropDownList to? ()A AutoIDB StaticC InheritD Predictable

考题 单选题在我国,多年来多数地区细菌性痢疾流行的致病菌群是()A 志贺菌属A群B 志贺菌属B群C 志贺菌属C群D 志贺菌属D群E 以上都不是

考题 单选题患者,男性,50岁。以“进行性吞咽困难半年”之主诉入院,X线钡餐透视疑诊为食管癌。护理评估时,此患者最初期症状应是()A 食管内异物感B 吞咽困难C 持续性胸背部痛D 声音嘶哑E 喝水时呛咳

考题 单选题铜绿假单胞菌肺炎病人咳()A 少量白黏痰B 草绿色痰C 红棕色胶冻状痰D 铁锈色痰E 脓臭痰

考题 单选题张某,女,70岁,因支气管哮喘急性发作入院治疗,经静脉输入药物2天后病情缓解。今日输液1小时后,患者突然面色苍白、呼吸困难、气促、咳嗽加重、咯粉红色泡沫样痰。考虑患者可能的诊断是()A 哮喘再次发作B 循环负荷过重C 输液浓度过高D 静脉空气栓塞E 对药物过敏

考题 单选题You work in a company which is named Wiikigo Corp. The company uses SQL Server 2008. You are the administrator of the company database. Now you are in charge of a SQL Server 2008 instance. There is a database named Dworks in the instance. The Dworks database has a table named Orderthings. The Orderthings table is partitioned on the OrderId column. The first partition contains integer values greater than 100,000, while the second partition contains integer values between 1 and 100,000. You have to add a new partition. The new partition should contain integer values greater than 200,000. What should you do? ()A A new partition function should be created B You should change the existing partition scheme C You should use a Merge clause to change the existing partition function D You should use a Split clause to change the existing partition function 

考题 单选题Cer-tech .com has a server that runs Windows Server 2008. You installed Windows Deployment Services(WDS) role on the server. You decide to install Windows Vista on a computer that does not support Preboot Execution Environment (PXE). The Windows Vista image is stored on the WDS server. You haveto start the computer and install the Windows Vista image stored on the WDS server. What should you create to achieve this task?()A Image BoostB Discover imageC PXE drivers imageD WDS image

考题 单选题你要在所有外部存储设备上禁止读、写和执行访问,你应该启用哪项计算机策略设置?()A 所有可移动存储:允许远程会话访问B 所有可移动存储类:拒绝所有访问C 移动磁盘:拒绝读取访问D 移动磁盘:拒绝写入访问

考题 单选题患者,女性,58岁,颈肩痛伴右手麻木1年,咳嗽时加重,疼痛向左上肢放射,右手握力减退,用筷子夹菜、扣扣子等精细动作困难。检查:颈部活动受限,左拇指及前臂桡侧感觉减退。若患者接受了颈椎前路手术,术后病情观察中最重要的是()A 脉搏B 体温C 呼吸D 血压E 意识

考题 单选题关于急性肾衰竭高钾血症的描述错误的是()A 需要紧急处理B 心电图可表现为QRS波增宽C 透析治疗有效D 补充钙剂的速度要慢E 常合并碱中毒

考题 单选题有关负压吸宫流产术后病人的护理,不正确的是()A 嘱受术者保持外阴清洁,禁止性生活及盆浴1个月B 受术者术后应在观察室卧床休息1~2小时C 注意观察腹痛及阴道流血情况D 卧床休息1周E 指导受术者采用安全可靠的避孕措施

考题 单选题呼吸衰竭患者表现为头痛头胀,日轻夜重,昼眠夜醒,神志恍惚等,应考虑()A 窒息先兆B 休克早期C 肺性脑病D 呼吸性酸中毒E 脑疝出现

考题 多选题You are developing a Web application to display products. Products are displayed on different pages on your Web site. You want to create a user control to manage the display of products. You need a default visual implementation of the UI of the user control. In addition, you need to provide developers with the flexibility to change the layout and controls of the UI. Which three actions should you perform?()AApply the TemplateContainerAttribute to a property of type ITemplate. Pass the type of the template's naming container as the argument to the attribute.BApply the TemplateContainerAttribute to the user control's class declaration.CImplement a property of type INamingContainer in the user control's code-behind class.DImplement a property of type ITemplate in the user control's code-behind class.EDefine a new class that inherits from the ITemplate interface. Implement the InstantiateIn method of the ITemplate interface.

考题 单选题用于宫内节育器的定位及取出的是()A 阴道镜B 宫腔镜C 腹腔镜D B型超声E 诊断性刮宫

考题 单选题原发性血小板减少性紫癜患儿出血的主要原因是()A 毛细血管通透性增加B 血小板数量减少C 血小板功能降低D 凝血因子缺乏E 抗凝物质增多

考题 单选题患者,男性,72岁,2年来无诱因逐渐出现行动缓慢,行走时上肢无摆动,前倾屈曲体态。双手有震颤,双侧肢体肌张力增高。无智能和感觉障碍,无锥体束损害征。选择最适当的治疗药物是()A 盐酸苯海索B 复方左旋多巴C 丙炔苯丙胺D 溴隐亭E 维生素E

考题 单选题集体儿童机构保健的原则不包括()A 合理的生活作息B 加强饮食管理C 合理教养D 父母定期探视E 健全防病制度

考题 单选题流行性出血热的主要传染源是()A 患者或病毒携带者B 蚊C 鼠D 猪E 狗

考题 单选题某男性患者,肠梗阻手术后出现神志淡漠、肌肉软弱无力、腹胀、心律不齐、心动过速,其引起的主要原因是()A 高血钾B 低血钾C 低氯性碱中毒D 代谢性酸中毒E 代谢性碱中毒

考题 单选题男性,18岁,饭后剧烈运动后突然出现剧烈腹痛,向腰背部放射,呕吐,应考虑为()A 肠扭转B 肠套叠C 肠粘连D 肠肿瘤E 肠系膜动脉栓塞

考题 单选题探测尿道有无狭窄可用()A 导尿检查B 尿道扩张术C 尿道膀胱镜检查D 经尿道输尿管肾镜检查E 经皮肾镜检查

考题 单选题一女性患者,15岁骑车摔倒,左额部着地,当时昏迷,20min后清醒,自觉轻微头痛,四肢活动正常,次日头痛加重,呕吐1次,来院就诊,首先应检查()A 头颅CTB 脑电图C 腰穿D 头颅X线片E 脑血管造影

考题 单选题男性,45岁。腰麻注药后,先感胸闷,继而心慌、烦躁、恶心、呕吐,血压下降,随后呼吸困难,首先考虑为()A 中毒反应B 过敏反应C 注射药物过快D 剂量过大E 麻醉平面过高

考题 单选题心肺复苏后持续生命支持脑复苏的措施不包括()A 建立静脉通道B 脑电图监测C 监测心肺功能D 电除颤E 应用脱水剂降低脑温