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更多 “单选题水痘的好发季节是()A 夏秋B 秋冬C 冬春D 夏季E 春夏” 相关考题
考题 多选题Host 1 is trying to communicate with Host 2. The e0 interface on Router C is down. Which of the following are true?()ARouter C will use ICMP to inform Host 1 that Host 2 cannot be reached.BRouter C will use ICMP to inform Router B that Host 2 cannot be reached.CRouter C will use ICMP to inform Host 1, Router A, and Router B that Host 2 cannot be reached.DRouter C will send a Destination Unreachable message type.ERouter C will send a Router Selection message type.FRouter C will send a Source Quench message type.

考题 单选题Which statement about the DVS engine is true?()A the DVS engine can useWebroot and McAfee scanning in parallelB the DVS engine generates the WBRSC the DVS engine never inspects the client HTTP requestD the DVS engine is only used for Layer 4 traffic monitoring

考题 多选题Cisco自防御网络,有以下哪些工具提供安全服务()ACisco安全管理器BCisco IOS软件CCisco安全代理DMARS

考题 单选题肾上腺皮质激素禁止用于()A 水痘患儿B 过敏性疾病患儿C 血液病患儿D 重症感染患儿E 肾病患儿

考题 单选题What is the purpose of the inverse ARP?()A to map a known DLCI to an IP addressB to map a known IP address to a MAC addressC to map known SPID to a MACaddressD to map a known DLCI to a MAC addressE to map a known IP address to a SPIDF to map a known MAC address to an IP address

考题 单选题给定一个IP地址172.16.28.252,什么是正确的网络地址?()A

考题 单选题Cisco Catalyst switches CAT1 and CAT2 have a connection between them using ports FA0/13. An 802.1Q trunk is configured between the two switches. On CAT1, VLAN 10 is chosen as native, but on CAT2 the native VLAN is not specified.What will happen in this scenario?()A 802.1Q giants frames could saturate the link.B VLAN 10 on CAT1 and VLAN 1 on CAT2 will send untagged frames.C A native VLAN mismatch error message will appear.D VLAN 10 on CAT1 and VLAN 1 on CAT2 will send tagged frames.

考题 单选题患儿男,10个月。阵发性哭闹5小时,1小时前排果酱样大便一次,考虑该患儿可能的诊断是()A 肠扭转B 肠蛔虫病C 肠梗阻D 肠套叠E 急性阑尾炎

考题 单选题After working on a router, some problems arise and you wish to view the commands that you recently entered. Which IOS command opens the history buffer and displays the most recently entered commands?()A Show historyB Show buffersC Show typed commandsD Show terminal bufferE Show command

考题 多选题When a switch port is used as a VLAN trunk, which of the following trunk modes are valid?()ABlockingBAutoCDesirableDOnETransparentFLearning

考题 单选题哪种说法描述VRRP对象跟踪?()A 它监视交通流量和链路利用率。B 它确保了最佳的VRRP路由器是虚拟路由器主的组。C 它会导致流量动态地移动到更高的带宽链路。D 它阻挠人在这方面的中间人攻击。

考题 多选题What are two security appliances that can be installed in a network?()AATMBIDSCIOSDIOXEIPSFSDM

考题 单选题患儿女,2岁。诊断营养不良。患儿最易发生的并发症是()A 营养性贫血B 齿龈水肿C 鼻出血D 口腔炎E 肺炎

考题 单选题足月新生儿,女,臀位产,生后24小时突发惊厥,烦躁不安。体检:体温37℃,前囟饱满,双眼凝视,肌张力高,四肢抽搐,心率140次/分,肺部体征阴性,血常规正常。下列护理措施中不合适的是()A 使用头皮穿刺输液B 绝对静卧,抬高头部C 护理操作集中进行D 使用留置针,减少反复穿刺E 密切观察患儿病情

考题 单选题下列哪种说法正确描述了生成树路径开销? ()A 根据环路中连接的交换机总数计算。B 根据给定路径上所有交换机的使用率计算。C 根据给定路径上交换机的网桥优先级计算。D 根据给定路径上每个交换机端口的端口开销值(由端口速度决定)的总和计算。

考题 单选题Which series of Cisco routers is suitable for small businesses and for connecting small offices to enterprise networks?()A  Cisco 800 Series routersB  Cisco 830 Series routersC  Cisco 1700 Series Modular Access RoutersD  Cisco 3700 Series Modular Access Routers

考题 单选题中和破伤风痉挛毒素,首选()A 破伤风抗毒素B 甲硝唑C 地西泮D 青霉素E 苯巴比妥钠

考题 单选题Two buildings on the San Jose campus of a small company must be connected to use Ethernet with a bandwidth of at least 100 Mbps. The company is concerned about possible problems from voltage potential differences between the two buildings. Which media type should be used for the connection()。A UTP cableB STP cableC coaxial cableD fiber optic cable

考题 单选题患儿男,18个月。近3个月出现疲乏无力,注意力不集中,面色苍白,轻微异食癖现象,血常规:血红蛋白80g/L,红细胞2.5×10/L。患儿确诊后,医生及时给予补充所缺乏的造血物质,患儿治疗有效的最早期表现是()A 面色红润B 网织红细胞升高C 血红蛋白升高D 铁蛋白升高E 红细胞升高

考题 单选题不属于肥胖症患儿治疗原则的是()A 控制饮食B 加强运动C 药物D 限制外出E 心理治疗

考题 单选题佝偻病初期表现为(  )。A B C D E

考题 多选题下面关于1000兆以太网口的描述正确的是()。A1000m以太网可以提供全双工/半双工通信B1000m以太网的物理介质可以采用5类以上双绞线、单模/多模光纤C1000m以太网有自动协商功能,可以与低速以太网之间协商速率D在同一冲突域中,千兆以太网允许中继器互链

考题 单选题肥胖最常见的年龄阶段()A 新生儿期、婴儿期、学龄前期B 婴儿期、2~3岁、青春期C 幼儿期、5~6岁、学龄期D 婴儿期、5~6岁、青春期E 5~6岁、学龄期、青春期

考题 单选题A switch is configured with all ports assigned to vlan 2 with full duplex FastEthernet to segment existing departmental traffiC.What is the effect of adding switch ports to a new VLAN on the switch?()A More collision domains will be created.B IP address utilization will be more efficient.C More bandwidth will be required than was needed previously.D An additional broadcast domain will be created.

考题 单选题新生儿体温过高首选的护理措施是()A 乙醇擦浴B 松开包被C 冷盐水灌肠D 冰块敷大血管处E 按医嘱给予退热药

考题 多选题What are two components of the discovery guide in the Cisco SBR sales approach?()ACalculate Business Need PriorityAnd Evolution PhaseBPrioritize and Prepare Solutions RecommendationsCPain Point and Implementation AssessmentDBusiness Needs-based Solution Recommended

考题 多选题Which two are advantages of static routing when compared to dynamic routing?()ASecurity increases because only the network administrator may change the routing tables.BConfiguration complexity decreases as network size increases.CRouting updates are automatically sent to neighbors.DRoute summarization is compued automatically by the router.ERouting traffic load is reduced when used in stub network links.FAn efficient algorithm is used to build routing tables,using automatic updates.GRouting tables adapt automatically to topology changes.

考题 单选题Which one of the following protocols allows the information about the configuration of a new VLAN to be distributed across entire switched network?()A STPB VTPC EIGRPD SNMPE CDPF None of the above