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解析: 题干材料大意是:人民饥饿,是因为居上位者收过多的税费;人民难以管理,是因为居上位者太多事了,导致人民难以治理。这段材料体现了道家“无为而治”的思想,故选C项。
更多 “单选题“民之饥,以其上食税之多,是以饥;民之难治,以其上之有为,是以难治。”这一观点应当属于()。A 儒家B 法家C 道家D 墨家” 相关考题
考题 填空题1951年5月,()和平解放。至此,全国领土基本得到解放。

考题 单选题____ is concerned with the social significance of language variation and language use in different speech communities.A PsycholinguisticsB SociolinguisticsC Historical linguisticsD Pragnatics

考题 单选题用同位素标记法研究光合作用和有氧呼吸过程中氧原子的来龙去脉,下列错误的结论是()。A 光合作用的产物O2中的O全部来自原料中的H2OB 光合作用的产物C2H2O2中的O2全部来自原料中的CO2C 有氧呼吸的产物H2O中的O2全部来自原料中的O2D 有氧呼吸的产物CO2中的O2全部来自原料中的C2H2O2

考题 单选题下列选项中对美术学习任务安排较合适的是()。A 在学生能力范围内,多布置任务,以提高学生的技法水平B 为了不影响其他科目的学习,美术不应当布置课外任务C 美术学习任务应当力求简单,具有愉悦性D 美术学习任务应该难易适度,分量适当

考题 单选题中国共产党第一次独立自主地运用马克思主义原理解决自己的路线、方针、政策是在()。A 中共“一大”B 文家市会议C 遵义会议D 中共“七大”

考题 问答题阅读《乡愁》教学实录(节选),完成问题。师:我们这样吧,大家挑选两名同学,一人背一节诗,等他们把前两节背完,我的感情就酝酿好了,然后我背诵第三节,好吗?生:好!(学生配乐背诵一、二节诗)师:同学们,对不起,我的感情没有酝酿好。刚才两位同学背诵得很好,是我自己的问题,我没有赶上.我们能不能再来一次?生:行!师:这次我再指两名同学来背诵。生:(背诵)小时候……长大后……师:(背景音乐响起,教师背诵第三节诗)“后来啊,乡愁是一方矮矮的坟墓。我在外头,母亲在里头。”(音乐渐强,静默十几秒。板书:后来啊、中年、生死离别、哀思难抑、丧母哀愁)师:记住这段的同学点点头。师:(配乐)我们一起把这一节背一遍。师:(配乐)把这首诗的前三节完整地背诵一遍。(生背诵前三节诗)该教师在教学过程中是如何引导学生背诵的?

考题 问答题请仔细阅读以下两个镜头,并回答问题。中学美术《十二色相环》【镜头一】播放PPT课件《森林之歌》。“同学们,请看这四张森林的图片,它们分别是什么季节的森林呢?对了,我们再仔细分析一下,为什么在自然环境中,繁茂多姿的森林随着春、夏、秋、冬四季更替会显现出那么丰富的色彩变化呢?”【镜头二】通过图片欣赏,让学生感受色彩,引出讲解色彩知识的新课《十二色相环》。教师讲解了色相环的色彩原理。三原色是什么,将红、橙、黄、绿、蓝、紫等秩序等差环列起来,会发生什么变化。在与学生互动中,学生明白了色相、明度、纯度的色彩三要素的奥秘。随后,要求学生用水粉色做课堂练习,用色块表达自己对森林四季的想象或感受。作业要求是否可行?是否符合中学美术教学的特点?

考题 问答题对于物理课程常常采用实验导入法,试结合初中物理教材中的内容举出两个实验导入的例子。

考题 问答题案例:某教师为了解学生对温度、热量、比热容和热传递等知识的掌握情况,设计了如下检测题,检测结果是每个选项都有学生选择。题目:有质量相同的铁块和铝块,它们的初始温度相同,若铁块和铝块吸收了相同的热量后,再将它们相互接触,则A.热量由铁块传给铝块B.温度由铁块传给铝块C.热量由铝块传给铁块 D.铁块和铝块之间不发生热传递问题:(1)指出正确选项,针对错误选项分析学生在物理知识方面可能存在的问题。(2)针对其中一个错误选项,设计教学片段帮助学生掌握相关知识。

考题 单选题如图所示,均匀带正电的绝缘圆环。与金属圆环b同心共面放置,当a绕O点在其所在平面内旋转时b中产生顺时针方向的感应电流,且具有收缩趋势,由此可知,圆环a( )。A 顺时针加速旋转B 顺时针减速旋转C 逆时针加速旋转D 逆时针减速旋转

考题 问答题

考题 问答题下面是某初中教师的课堂教学片段。(T asked Ss to make sentences according to the information on the Blackboard.)T: Now, let's look at the blackboard and make sentences.I say I don't have a basketballand you say Our teacher doesn't have a basketball.I say I have a volleyballand you say Our teacher has a volleyball. Li Xing, make the third sentence..(T wrote sentences on the Blackboard.)Li Xing: Tom have a tennis racket.T: Is it correct? No, we should say it like this Tom has a tennis racket. We don't put haveafter He, She, Tom, Lucy. We should say He has .., She has.., Tom has.., Lucy has....(T wrote the wrong sentence on the Blackboard and corrected it.)T: Next one, Li Lei, please.Li Lei: Jim has a ping-pong ball.T: Yes.(T wrote it on the Blackboard.) Next one, Zhang Hong, please.Zhang Hong: Li Lei don't have a soccer ball.T: No, no, no. Wrong again. What is the correct answer?Ss: Li Lei doesn't have a soccer ball.T: Yes.(T wrote the correct answer on the Blackboard.)根据上面的信息,从下面三个方面作答:(1)请分析学生课堂回答错误的主要原因。(8分)(2)该教师采用了什么方式来纠正学生的错误?(8分)(3)针对学生在该课堂中回答错误的情况,教师应如何进行反馈和引导?(14分)

考题 单选题我国第一部借鉴西洋大歌剧创作手法的歌剧是()。A 《白毛女》B 《兄妹开荒》C 《秋子》D 《伤逝》

考题 单选题A 1B 2C 3D 4

考题 单选题为调动师生的积极性和创造性,提高学生的学习兴趣而进行评价,这体现了教学评价的什么功能?()A 诊断鉴定功能B 导向规范功能C 激励促进功能D 反馈功能

考题 单选题Passage 2The subject of ballads, books and films, Robin Hood has proven to be one of popular culture's most enduring folk heroes. Over the course of 700 years, the outlaw from Nottinghamshire who robs the rich to give to the poor has emerged as one of the most enduring folk heroes in popular culture--and one of the most versatile. But how has the legend of Sherwood Forest's merry outlaws evolved over time? Did a real Robin Hood inspire these classic tales?Beginning in the 15th century and perhaps even earlier, Christian revelers in certain parts of England celebrated May Day with plays and games involving a Robin Hood figure with near-religious significance. In the 19th century, writer-illustrators like Howard Pyle adapted the traditional tales for children, popularizing them in the United States and around the world. More recently, bringing Robin to the silver screen has become a rite of passage for directors ranging from Michael Curtiz and Ridley Scott to Terry Gilliam and Mel Brooks.Throughout Robin's existence, writers, performers and filmmakers have probed their imaginations for new incarnations that resonate with their respective audiences. In 14th-century England, where agrarian discontent had begun to chip away at the feudal system, he appears as ananti-establishment rebel who murders government agents and wealthy landowners. Later variations from times of less social upheaval dispense with the gore and cast Robin as a dispossessed aristocrat with a heart of gold and a love interest, Maid Marian.Academics, meanwhile, have combed the historical record for evidence of a real Robin Hood. English legal records suggest that, as early as the 13th century, "Robehod," "Rabunhod" and other variations had become common epithets for criminals. But what had inspired these nicknames: a fictional tale, an infamous bandit or an amalgam of both? The first literary references to Robin Hood appear in a series of 14th-and 15th-century ballads about a violent yeoman who lived in Sherwood Forest with his men and frequently clashed with the Sheriff of Nottingham. Rather than a peasant, knight or fallen noble, as in later versions, the protagonist of these medieval stories is a commoner. Little John and Will Scarlet are part of this Robin's "merry" crew-meaning, at the time, an outlaw's gang-but Maid Marian, Friar Tuck and Alan-a-Dale would not enter the legend until later, possibly as part of the May Day rituals.While most contemporary scholars have failed to turn up solid clues, medieval chroniclers took for granted that a historical Robin Hood lived and breathed during the 12th or 13th century. The details of their accounts vary widely, however, placing him in conflicting regions and eras. Not until John Major's History of Greater Britain (1521), for example, is he depicted as a follower of King Richard, one of his defining characteristics in modern times.We may never know for sure whether Robin Hood ever existed outside the verses of ballads and pages of books. And even if we did, fans, young and old, would still surely flock to England's Nottinghamshire region for a tour of the legend's alleged former hangouts, from centuries-old pubs to the Major Oak in Sherwood Forest. What we do know is that the notion of a brave rebel who lives on the outskirts of society, fighting injustice and oppression with his band of companions, has universal appeal-whether he's played by Erroll Flynn, Russell Crowe or even, as on a 1979 episode of The Muppet Show, Kermit the Frog.Which of the following is true about Maid Marian according to the passage?A A woman with a good heart.B A woman Robin Hood loved.C A woman Robin Hood helped.D A woman studying Robin Hood legend.

考题 问答题美国独立战争的意义

考题 单选题A 温度降低,密度增大B 温度降低,密度减小C 温度升高,密度增大D 温度升高,密度减小

考题 单选题()对有机物的生成有重要意义,缺乏时骨的生长发育停滞,骨折不易愈合。A 维生素AB 维生素BC 维生素CD 维生素D

考题 单选题A I1沿逆时针方向,I2沿顺时针方向B I2沿顺时针方向,I3沿顺时针方向C f1方向指向圆心,f2方向指向圆心D f2方向背离圆心向外,f3方向指向圆心

考题 单选题关于调查的叙述,不正确的是()。A 人口普查也是调查B 森林资源的清查是调查C 要对调查的对象逐个进行D 对调查的结果进行整理和分析

考题 问答题案例:王老师在进行初中“密度”一课的教学时,引导学生自主探究了不同大小木块和不同大小铁块的质量和体积的比值。师:同学们,你们在刚刚的实验中发现了什么?生:所有木块的质量和体积的比值是一定的,铁块也是如此。师:对,非常好,这就是物质的一种本质属性,在物理学上我们把一种物质的质量和体积的比值定义为——密度,用p表示,那大家能不能自己把密度的表达式写出来呢?生:p=m/v师:很好,同学们,我们刚刚说到密度是物质的本质属性,那它和其他物理量有关系吗?生甲:有关系,根据我们得到的密度公式可以知道,密度和物体的质量成正比,和体积成反比。生乙:不对,没关系。密度是物质的本质属性,所以它和其他物理量没有关系。师:对,乙同学说得非常好,密度作为物质的本质属性,它和其他物理量没有关系,它不会随着质量和体积的变化而变化。甲同学要认真听老师讲课。问题:(1)对上述课堂实录进行评述。(15分)(2)针对存在的问题,设计一个改进的教学方案(形式不限,可以是教学思路、教学活动等)。(15分)

考题 单选题在讲授《济南的冬天》一文时,教师让学生们说说他们对老舍的了解,以下学生的回答不正确的一项是()。A 老舍原名舒庆春,满族人,是新中国第一位获得“人民艺术家”称号的作家B 老舍是杰出的语言大师,他的语言幽默、华丽,擅长浓墨重彩地刻画人物C 老舍著有长篇小说《骆驼祥子》《四世同堂》《二马》D 老舍著有剧本《龙须沟》《春华秋实》《茶馆》

考题 单选题下列实例中,属于受光照条件影响的是()A 鱼类的季节洄游B 黄山松主要分布在海拔一千米以上C 苹果适宜在北方栽种D 人参在密林中才能生长好

考题 单选题学习《苏州园林》时,教师设计了这样的教学目标:领略苏州园林的图画美;理解课文从几个方面说明事物的特点,总说和分说;体会语言的准确性;引导学生运用自主、合作、探究的方式,激发自主意识和探究精神。结合新课标要求,以下对该教师的教学预设评价不正确的是(  )。A 整体设计考虑了学情,符合学生的认知水平和学习规律B 三维目标中的“过程与方法”目标没有得到体现C 目标设计充分体现了三维目标的整合D 体现出说明文教学对事物特征、说明顺序、说明语言的重视

考题 单选题《义务教育语文课程标准(2011年版)》中对初中阶段写作目标的描述不包括(  )。A 写作要力求有创意B 写作不讲究文体感和文体格式C 写作要有真情实感D 注重提高独立写作能力

考题 单选题Flash MX中,快捷键F5可以插入()。A 扩展帧B 关键帧C 空白关键帧D 引导帧

考题 单选题教师讲授朗读技巧时,举例说明汉语语言现象中的变调问题,引导学生在朗读中正确发音,以下不符合要求的一项是( ) 。A 理想B 转眼C 体贴D 涂改