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更多 “多选题沟槽开挖前编制的沟槽开挖方案应包含的主要内容有()。A沟槽施工平面布置图及开挖断面图B沟槽形式、开挖方法及堆土要求C施工设备机具的型号、数量及作业要求D施工安全、文明施工、沿线管线及构(建)筑物保护要求E安管方案” 相关考题
考题 判断题西装套裙或西服裤装是女士职场的经典款。A 对B 错

考题 单选题愿意在自己的工作上付出努力,不容易疲倦,面对困难时具有坚韧力是指工作投入的中的()维度。A 活力B 奉献C 专注D 都不是

考题 问答题宝黛初会时双方都有似曾相识之感,它照应了书中的哪一传说。

考题 单选题属于“鱼咬尾”的音乐是()A 春江花月夜B 好汉歌C 高山流水

考题 判断题吉尔福特提出了智力的三元理论,认为智力包括了三个部分,即成分性智力、情境智力和经验智力。A 对B 错

考题 判断题地方人大选举时,不同选区或选举单位选出的代表可以酝酿、联合提出候选人。A 对B 错

考题 单选题境外机构账户名称应中文或英文(大写)全称、特殊机构代码、账号前加()、存款人类别为“境外机构”、备注。A NRAB NARC NETD NRE

考题 多选题下列有关消火栓管道安装要求描述正确的是()。A管道穿梁及地下室剪力墙、水池等,应装设预埋套管B安装顺序一般是垂直管、横管、分支管、干管、主干管C管道对口焊缝上不得开口焊接支管,焊口不得安装在支吊架位置上D水压强度试验的测试点应设在系统管网的最高点E管井的消防立管安装采用从下至上的安装方法

考题 判断题对于一个物流管理信息系统而言,新系统逻辑方案的提出是系统设计阶段要完成的工作。A 对B 错

考题 单选题城市道路与公路不一样,通常不设()(不包含特殊路段)。A 路肩B 分车带C 路测带D 路缘石

考题 单选题A Bridge for Squirrels San Francisco has its cable cars. Seattle has its Space Needle. And, Longview has its squirrel bridge. The bridge, which has attracted international attention, is now a local landmark. The Nutty Narrows Bridge was built in 1963 by a local builder, Amos Peters, to give squirrels a way to cross the busy road without getting flattened by passing cars. The original bridge was built over Olympia Way on the west edge of the library grounds. Before the bridge was built, squirrels had to avoid traffic to and from the Park Plaza office building where office staff put out a nutty feast for the squirrels. Many times, Peters and others who worked in and near Park Plaza witnessed squirrels being run over. One day Peters found a dead squirrel with a nut still in its mouth, and that day's coffee break discussion turned into squirrel safety. The group of businessmen cooked up the squirrel bridge idea and formed a committee to ask the blessing of the City Council (市政会).The Council approved, and Councilwoman Bess LaRiviere jokingly named the bridge "Nutty Narrows". After architects designed the bridge, Amos Peters and Bill Hutch started construction. They built the 60-foot bridge from aluminum and lengths of fire hose (消防水带). It cost 1000. It didn't take long before reports of squirrels using the bridge started. Squirrels were even seen guiding their young and teaching them the ropes. The story was picked up by the media, and Nutty Narrows became known in newspapers all over the world. In 1983, after 20 years of use, Peters took down the worn-out bridge. Repairs were made and crosspieces were replaced. The faded sign was repainted and in July 1983, hundreds of animal lovers attended the completion ceremony of the new bridge. Peters died in 1984 ,and a ten-foot wooden squirrel sculpture was placed near the bridge in memory of its builder and his devotion to the project. Which of the following is true of the squirrel bridge?()A It was replaced by a longer oneB It was built from wood and metalC It was rebuilt after years of useD It was designed by Bill Hutch

考题 单选题“金戈铁马,气吞万里如虎”是谁写的词句()A 岳飞B 辛弃疾

考题 单选题任免驻外全权代表的职权属于()A 全国人民代表大会B 全国人大常委会C 国务院D 外交部

考题 单选题The last time I saw her was () my brother"s wedding ceremony three years ago.A toB atC inD during

考题 问答题所有的借贷行为都会受到法律保护吗?

考题 单选题为方便旅客,长途直通旅客列车始发站发车的最佳时刻范围为()。A 8:00至11:00B 14:00至16:00C 19:00至0:00D 2:00至6:00

考题 单选题()的布鲁塞尔大广场被称为“世界上最华丽的剧场”。A 比利时B 奥地利C 乌克兰

考题 单选题意外伤害保险合同是()性合同。A 补偿B 给付C 定值D 赠予

考题 多选题调查教学工作情况的基本方法有()。A问卷法B座谈法C谈话法D间接法E直接法

考题 判断题在动动副中,高副是点接触,低副是线接触。A 对B 错

考题 判断题系统工程既是一个技术过程,又是个管理过程,它的研究对象是大型复杂的人工系统和复合系统。A 对B 错

考题 填空题对()、()、()、()、()等单位的长期定期存款不实行保值办法;并严禁将国家资金和集体资金以个人名义存入保值储蓄。如发现公款存入保值储蓄的,经查实一律不计利息。

考题 问答题简述JIT的目标。

考题 判断题OMC服务器启动顺序是:开机、操作系统启动、数据库和监听程序启动、jboss启动、webstart/NEA/pc启动、servermgr和DHCP启动(可选)、客户端启动和登录。()A 对B 错

考题 判断题诚信作为人们的行为范式和人际关系模式,需要制度化才能持久,才有力量。A 对B 错

考题 判断题期货公司法定代表人应当具有期货从业人员资格。()A 对B 错

考题 单选题在城镇交通要道区域采用盖挖法施工的地铁车站,多采用()结构。A 拱形B 马蹄形C 矩形框架D 椭圆形

考题 单选题“新英格兰的清教徒,1703年在他们的立法会议上决定,每剥一张印第安人的头盖皮和每俘获一个红种人都给赏金40磅,1720年每张头盖皮的赏金提高到100磅„„英国议会曾宣布杀戮和剥头盖皮是上帝和自然赋予它的手段”。马克思的这段话说明了()A 西方文明的先进性B 资产阶级民主的虚伪性C 西方殖民者在被征服地区野蛮屠杀的罪恶D 印第安人阻碍了美洲的进步