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It was just at the moment______ he worked out the problem that he had long been puzzled about.









更多 “单选题It was just at the moment______ he worked out the problem that he had long been puzzled about.A sinceB whichC becauseD that” 相关考题
考题 单选题中国古代歌曲《满江红》是歌颂下列谁的歌曲?()A 屈原B 岳飞C 李自成D 林则徐

考题 单选题两颗人造卫星A、B绕地球做圆周运动,周期之比为TA:TB=1:8,则轨道半径之比和运动速率之比分别为()。A RA:RB=4:1;vA:vB=1:2B RA:RB=4:1;vA:vB=2:1C RA:RB=1:4;vA:vB=1:2D RA:RB=1:4;vA:vB=2:1

考题 单选题Which of the following would a teacher encourage students to do in order to develop their cognitive strategies?A To make a study plan.B To summarize a story.C To read a text aloud.D To do pattern drills.

考题 单选题光滑水平面上质量为m=l kg的物体在水平拉力F的作用下从静止开始运动,如图4(a)所示,若力F随时间的变化情况如图4(b)所示,则下列说法正确的是( )。A 拉力在前2s内和后4s内做的功之比为1:1B 拉力在前2s内和后4s内做的功之比为1:3C 拉力在4s末和6s末做的功的功率之比为2:3D 拉力在前2s内和后4s内做的功的功率之比为1:1

考题 单选题对计算机软件正确的认识应该是()。A 计算机软件受法律保护是多余的B 正版软件太贵,软件能复制就不必购买C 受法律保护的计算机软件不能随便复制D 正版软件只要能解密就能随意使用

考题 问答题中学英语写作活动主要有哪几种类型?

考题 单选题A B所受摩擦力始终不可能为零,摩擦力方向时而沿斜面向上时而沿斜面向下B B所受摩擦力有时有可能为零C C一直受到水平面施加的向右的摩擦力D C对地面的压力有时可以等于B、C重力之和

考题 单选题Excel2003中A1表示()。A 第二行第一列B 第一行第一列C 第一行第二列D 第四行第一列

考题 单选题A AB BC CD D

考题 单选题Passage1In recent years,however,society has come to understand the limitations of schools that merely sort and rank students. We have discovered that students in the bottom one-third to one-half of the rank order-plus all who drop out before being ranked-fail to develop the foundational reading,writing,and mathematical proficiencies needed to survive in,let alone contribute to,an increasingly technically complex and ethnically diverse culture. So today,in asking schools to leave no child behind,society is asking that educators raise up the bottom of the rank-order distribution to a specified level of competence. We call those expectations our academic achievement standards.Every state has them,and,as a matter of public policy,schools are to be held accountable for making sure that all students meet them.To be clear,the mission of sorting has not been eliminated from the schooling process. Forthe foreseeable future, students will still be ranked at the end of high school. However, society now dictates that such a celebration of differences in amount learned must start at a certain minimum level of achievement for all.The implications of this change in mission for the role of assessment are profound. Assessment and grading procedures designed to permit only a few students to succeed (those at the top of the rank-order distribution) must now be revised to permit the possibility that all students could succeed at some appropriate level. Furthermore, procedures that permitted (perhaps even encouraged) some students to give up in hopelessness and to stop trying must now be replaced by others that promote hope and continuous effort. In short, the entire emotional environment surrounding the prospect of being evaluated must change, especially for perennial low achievers.The students' mission is no longer merely to beat other students in the achievement race. At least part of their goal must be to become competent. Teachers must believe that all students can achieve a certain level of academic success, must bring all of their students to believe this of themselves, must accommodate the fact that students learn at different rates by making use of differentiated instruction, and must guide all students toward the attainment of standards.The driving dynamic force for students cannot merely be competition for an artificial scarcity of success. Because all students can and must succeed in meeting standards, cooperation and collaboration must come into play. The driving forces must be confidence, optimism, and persistence-for all, not just for some. All students must come to believe that they can succeed at learning if they try. They must have continuous access to evidence of what they believe to be credible academic success, however small. This new understanding has spawned increased interest in formative assessment in recent years.Which of the following is closest in meaning to the underlined word accommodate in Paragraph 4?A Adapt.B Match.C Accept.D Understand.

考题 单选题A 减弱,紫光B 减弱,红光C 增强,紫光D 增强,红光

考题 问答题请简要描述数学应用意识及推理能力的主要表现。

考题 问答题

考题 问答题分析作品《自由引导人民》。

考题 单选题A ①②B ①③C ②③D ①④

考题 单选题力F1单独作用于某物体时产生的加速度是3m/s2,力F2单独作用于此物体时产生的加速度是4m/s2,两力同时作用于此物体时产生的加速度不可能是()A 1m/s2B 5m/s2C 4m/s2D 8m/s2

考题 单选题1918年后,西方各国对苏联采取了敌视和封锁政策。但1931年,,美国出口的机器设备中,有50%卖给苏联。1929-1930年,英国机器出口总量的70%销往苏联,而1932年竞高达90010。这种变化是因为( )。A 新经济政策缓和了东西方的矛盾B 经济危机淡化了意识形态的冲突C 美英放弃了自由放任的经济政策D 美英以邻为壑,转嫁危机至苏联

考题 单选题为解决食品安全问题,我国正在加快发展绿色食品。绿色食品的要求是()。 ①产品的原料必须是绿色植物 ②产品原料的生产过程符合生产技术标准 ③产品原料的产地符合环境质量标准 ④产品的加工、包装和储运符合国家相关标准A ①②③B ①②④C ①③④D ②③④

考题 单选题我们在低头时能在颈后部触摸到的骨的突起是()。A 第3颈椎B 第5颈椎C 第7颈椎D 第9颈椎

考题 问答题作为一名教师,应该具备良好的讲解技能,简述讲解技能的原则与要点。

考题 问答题简述20世纪70年代中国取得的外交成就。

考题 单选题CPU每执行一个(),就完成了一步运算或判断。A 语句B 段落C 软件D 指令

考题 问答题

考题 单选题麦考莱在《英国史》一书中说:“威廉和玛丽被宣布为联合王国的国王和王后,标志着英国革命结束。在英国所有的革命中,这是使用暴力最少但收效最好的一次。”材料中所说的“收效”从历史发展来看最主要体现在()。A 结束了君权神授的历史光环B 英国恢复了国王与议会的传统C 限制了国王的权力D 确立了英国代议制民主的法律基础

考题 单选题吃饭时随意谈笑,食物能误人气管,原因是()。A 声门裂开未来得及关闭B 会厌软骨盖住了食道入口C 悬雍垂未阻住鼻腔的内口D 会厌软骨未盖住喉的入口

考题 单选题《义务教育美术课程标准(2011年版)》将美术课程的性质界定为()。A 工具性B 人文性C 科学性D 操作性

考题 单选题____ aims to help students to pay attention to teaching content efficiently at the beginning of the class.A Lead-inB PresentationC PreparationD Practice

考题 单选题下面是一道力学检测题,发现四个选项都有人选。题目:汽车在平直的公路上做匀速直线运动,则下列为一对平衡力的是( )。11.下面是一道力学检测题,发现四个选项都有人选。题目:汽车在平直的公路上做匀速直线运动,则下列为一对平衡力的是( )。A.汽车的牵引力和汽车所受的重力B.汽车所受重力和汽车对地面的压力C.汽车的重力和地面对汽车的支持力D.汽车对地面的压力和汽车所受摩擦力(1)针对错误选项分析学生在物理知识方面可能存在的问题。(10分)(2)设计一个教学片段,帮助学生掌握该物理知识。(10分)