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Passage 2Two friends have an argument that breaks up their friendship forever,even though neither one can remember how the whole thing got started. Such sad events happen over and over in high schools across the country. In fact,according to an official report on youth violence,“In our country today,the greatest threat to the lives of children and adolescents is not disease or starvation or abandonment,but the terrible reality of violence”. Given that this is the case,why aren't students taught to manage conflict the way they are taught to solve math problems,drive cars,or stay physically fit?First of all,students need to realize that conflict is unavoidable. A report on violence among middle school and high school students indicates that most violent incidents between students begin with a relatively minor insult. For example,a fight could start over the fact that one student eats a peanut butter sandwich each lunchtime. Laughter over the sandwich can lead to insults,which in turn can lead to violence. The problem isn't in the sandwich,but in the way students deal with the conflict.Once students recognize that conflict is unavoidable,they can practice the golden rule of conflict resolution: stay calm. Once the student feels calmer,he or she should choose words that will calm the other person down as well. Rude words,name-calling,and accusation only add fuel to the emotional fire. On the other hand,soft words spoken at a normal sound level can put out the fire before it explodes out of control.After both sides have calmed down, they can use another key strategy for conflict resolution: listening. Listening allows the two sides to understand each other. One person should describe his or her side, and the other person should listen without interrupting. Afterward, the listener can ask non-threatening questions to clarify the speaker's position. Then the two people should change roles.Finally, students need to consider what they are hearing. This doesn't mean trying to figure out what's wrong with the other person. It means understanding what the real issue is and what both sides are trying to accomplish. For example, a shouting match over a peanut butter sandwich might happen because one person thinks the other person is unwilling to try new things. Students need to ask themselves questions such as these: How did this start? What do I really want? What am I afraid of? As the issue becomes clearer, the conflict often simply becomes smaller. Even if it doesn't, careful thought helps both sides figure out a mutual solution.There will always be conflict in schools, but that doesn't mean there needs to be violence. After students in Atlanta started a conflict resolution program, according to Educators for Social Responsibility,64% of the teachers reported less physical violence in the classroom;75% of the teachers reported an increase in student cooperation; and 92% of the students felt better about themselves. Learning to resolve conflicts can help students deal with friends, teachers, parents, bosses, and coworkers. In that way, conflict resolution is a basic life skill that should be taught in schools across the country.The writer's purpose for writing this article is to______

complain about problems in school education


teach students different strategies for school life


advocate teaching conflict management in schools


inform teachers of the latest studies on school violence


更多 “单选题Passage 2Two friends have an argument that breaks up their friendship forever,even though neither one can remember how the whole thing got started. Such sad events happen over and over in high schools across the country. In fact,according to an official report on youth violence,“In our country today,the greatest threat to the lives of children and adolescents is not disease or starvation or abandonment,but the terrible reality of violence”. Given that this is the case,why aren't students taught to manage conflict the way they are taught to solve math problems,drive cars,or stay physically fit?First of all,students need to realize that conflict is unavoidable. A report on violence among middle school and high school students indicates that most violent incidents between students begin with a relatively minor insult. For example,a fight could start over the fact that one student eats a peanut butter sandwich each lunchtime. Laughter over the sandwich can lead to insults,which in turn can lead to violence. The problem isn't in the sandwich,but in the way students deal with the conflict.Once students recognize that conflict is unavoidable,they can practice the golden rule of conflict resolution: stay calm. Once the student feels calmer,he or she should choose words that will calm the other person down as well. Rude words,name-calling,and accusation only add fuel to the emotional fire. On the other hand,soft words spoken at a normal sound level can put out the fire before it explodes out of control.After both sides have calmed down, they can use another key strategy for conflict resolution: listening. Listening allows the two sides to understand each other. One person should describe his or her side, and the other person should listen without interrupting. Afterward, the listener can ask non-threatening questions to clarify the speaker's position. Then the two people should change roles.Finally, students need to consider what they are hearing. This doesn't mean trying to figure out what's wrong with the other person. It means understanding what the real issue is and what both sides are trying to accomplish. For example, a shouting match over a peanut butter sandwich might happen because one person thinks the other person is unwilling to try new things. Students need to ask themselves questions such as these: How did this start? What do I really want? What am I afraid of? As the issue becomes clearer, the conflict often simply becomes smaller. Even if it doesn't, careful thought helps both sides figure out a mutual solution.There will always be conflict in schools, but that doesn't mean there needs to be violence. After students in Atlanta started a conflict resolution program, according to Educators for Social Responsibility,64% of the teachers reported less physical violence in the classroom;75% of the teachers reported an increase in student cooperation; and 92% of the students felt better about themselves. Learning to resolve conflicts can help students deal with friends, teachers, parents, bosses, and coworkers. In that way, conflict resolution is a basic life skill that should be taught in schools across the country.The writer's purpose for writing this article is to______A complain about problems in school educationB teach students different strategies for school lifeC advocate teaching conflict management in schoolsD inform teachers of the latest studies on school violence” 相关考题
考题 单选题Which of the following correctly describes the word stress? _____A iDentify, iDentifiable, iDentifierB idenTify, iDentifiable, identiFierC iDentify, identiFiable, iDentifierD idenTify, iDentifiable, identiFier

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考题 单选题在朗读《沁园春·雪》里前三句“北国风光,千里冰封,万里雪飘”的时候,应建议学生将重音放在(  )字上。A 千和万B 冰和雪C 封和飘D 北国和风光

考题 单选题在Internet中,我们用主机的()来标识每一台计算机。A 域名B URLC IP地址D FTP

考题 单选题回旋曲式中插部结构的数目至少不少于()。A 一个B 两个C 三个D 四个

考题 单选题阅读以下《荷塘月色》的作业设计,按照要求答题。①摘录四至五个形容词,将它们连缀成一段话,不少于30个字。②请鉴赏文中几个通感修辞的妙处。③古人对月亮的描写很多,请摘录描写月亮的诗、词各一首,并写一篇100字左右的鉴赏文。④仿照课文,写一篇“以雨中的荷塘”为话题的作文。(自主选择两题作答)以下关于作业设计的分析,不正确的一项是()。A 根据学生的不同情况设计不同的作业,设计比较灵活B 教师设置作业过多,与“减负”理念背道而驰C 上述作业在设计上从容易到困难,从简单到复杂,侧重对学生写作能力的培养D 作业设计忽略了促进学生阅读能力发展的练习

考题 问答题请从第②③段中找出两个错别字,从第④段中找出一处病句,并分别改正。

考题 单选题下列软件中,不属于多媒体信息集成工具的是()。A CuteFTPB PowerPoint2003C FrontPageD Dreamweaver

考题 单选题以下某教师对7~9年级口语交际和综合性学习教学目标的认识,错误的一项是()。A 讲述见闻,完整准确、突出要点。复述转述,内容具体、语言生动。能就适当的话题作即席讲话和即兴演讲B 讨论问题,能积极发表自己的看法,有中心、有根据、有条理。能听出讨论的焦点,并能有针对性地发表意见C 能从书刊或其他媒体中获取有关资料,讨论分析问题,独立或合作写出简单的研究报告D 掌握查找资料、引用资料的基本方法,分清原始资料与间接资料的主要差别,学会注明所援引资料的出处

考题 多选题FrontPage2003中能够打开“网页属性”对话框的操作有()。A右击网页空白处,选择“网页属性”B利用“格式”菜单中的“背景”选项C单击网页空白处D利用“表格”菜单中的“属性”选项

考题 问答题简述中学历史教师在进行课堂提问时应如何引起学生的兴趣。

考题 单选题下列有关生态系统的图像表述,不正确的是()。A 图1大、小草履虫的关系是捕食,因为曲线表现出此消彼长B 图2中,a、b、c三个地域中,生物多样性最高的是aC 图3中,假设丙、丁、甲、乙构成一条食物链,甲增加,则丁减少、乙增多D 图4中,昆虫与鸟的关系是捕食和竞争,鸟属于第二、三营养级

考题 单选题下列选项中,对于美术教学“合作学习”理解与运用不适当的是()。A 有利于增强学生沟通能力B 应当将能力比较接近的人组合在一起C 分组的人数一般以3~5人为宜D 同学之间需要相互理解和信任

考题 单选题在了解鱼的尾鳍在游泳中的作用,如果单凭观察难以得出结论,可采用的方法是()。A 归纳法B 观察法C 调查法D 实验法

考题 单选题Averroes held that _____.A Islamic theology was often subordinate to philosophyB religious truth was nothing but imaginative fantasyC real truth was inaccessible to many common peopleD imperfect expressions were result of flawed religion

考题 单选题1787年,华盛顿在致麦迪逊的信中说:“凡是有判断能力的人,都不会否认对现行制度进行彻底变革是必需的。”这里所说的“彻底变革”指的是()。A 建立开明君主制B 改革联邦政体C 实行君主立宪制D 改变邦联体制

考题 问答题请根据所提供的信息和语言素材进行教学设计。  学生概况:本班为中等城市普通学校初中三年级的学生,班级人数为50人。学生能够积极参与课堂活动,合作意识较强。  教学时间:45分钟。  语言素材:(Tape script)  Girl 1: Hey, did you see this newspaper article? A girl won a million dollars in the lottery. She was only 14.  Boy 1: Wow, how luck!  Girl 1: What would you do if you won the lottery?  Boy 1: If I won the lottery, I’d give the money to the zoo. I want to help the pandas.  Girl 1: That’s a good ideal I know what I’d do. If I won the lottery, I’d buy a big house for my family.  Girl 2: Really? I’d put the money in the bank. Then I’d just watch it grow!  Boy 2: Hmm…I think I’d give the money to medical research. I’d want to help other people.

考题 单选题阅读以下教学论文(片段),按照要求答题。教材中有许多可挖掘的开放性教学因素。教师要创造性地运用教材把学生的生活时空与思维时空纳入教学体系。这样做既可充实教材和丰富教学内容,又可拓展学生的思维时空并提高学生的认知水平。组织学生开展丰富多彩的活动也是拓展教学内容的有效途径。语文实践活动是提高学生语文实践能力和语文素养的有效途径。语文实践活动以课堂学习为基础,融学生的学习和生活为一体,把学生的视野从课内拓展到课外,可切实提高学生的语文素养,促进学生综合能力的提高。教师应积极创造条件,指导学生参与各种语文实践活动,如参观访问、演课本剧、开故事会、举办新闻发布会、自办小报等。此外,教师还可以根据学生的兴趣爱好,引导学生组建朗诵、书法、写作等课外兴趣小组,或帮助学生利用广播、电视、网络等媒体拓展语文学习的渠道。基于材料倡导的综合性语文教学,下列理解或做法不正确的一项是()。A 语文教材中蕴含着丰富的综合性学习主题,有待教师和学生去开掘B 教师只要处处留心,时时留意,语文综合性学习资源就会无处不在C 教师应积极创造条件摆脱传统教学的束缚,强调学生的实践与创新D 开展综合性活动的实践探索阶段,要充分发挥教师的引导和调控作用

考题 单选题鸦片战争后,中国经济日益呈现出半殖民地的特点,其表现是()。 ①外国商品日益占据中国市场 ②关税和贸易主权开始丧失 ③开始出现近代工业 ④列强对华进行资本输出 ⑤自然经济仍然是广大农村的主要经济模式A ②④⑤B ①③⑤C ②③④D ①②④

考题 单选题“Andante”的中文含义是()。A 中板B 柔板C 快板D 行板

考题 问答题在一堂音乐歌唱课上,学习某高音歌唱家演唱的《我爱你,中国》,某老师引导:“请同学们感知、听辨歌曲演唱的人声音色特点”。教师给了学生三个选项:女低音、女中音、女高音。一位男同学选择了他认为正确的选项:女低音。教师有些恼火,又示意他坐下。对他的回答既无肯定,也不否定。学生处于茫然中,教师在教学预设时显然没有想到会有这样的教学反馈,于是采取了不管不顾的方式,按照既定的教学设计把课上完了。简述对案例的看法。

考题 单选题Which of the following activities is not communicative activity in teaching speaking?A Information gap activities.B Accuracy-focused games.C Debates and interviews.D Problem-solving activities.

考题 单选题VB中,Rnd()函数的值不可能是()。A 0B 1C 0.1234D 0.00005

考题 问答题请选择一个主要教学环节(导入环节除外),写出具体的实施方案。

考题 单选题乐器“缶”的制作材料属于()。A 革B 土C 石D 竹

考题 单选题“脚踏黄河水倒流,搬来泰山作枕头。决心苦战十五年,赶上英国不发愁。”这首新民歌创作的时代背景是( )。A 延安大生产运动B 农业合作社高潮C “大跃进”运动D 解放区的土地改革

考题 单选题电子的质量为me,一对正、负电子以一定的速度相碰湮灭后放出一对光子,c为光速.h为普朗克常量,以下说法中正确的是( )。A 这对光子的总能量等于2mec2B 这对光子的总能量大于2meC2C 光子的波长等于h/mecD 光子的波长大于h/mec