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import java.awt.*;   public class Test extends Frame {   public Test() {   add(new Label(“Hello”) );   add(new TextField(“Hello”) );   add(new Button(“Hello”) );   pack();   show();    }   public static void main(String args) {   new Test ();   }   }   What is the result? ()

 The code will not compile.


 A Window will appear containing only a Button.


 An IllegalArgumentException is thrown at line 6.


 A Window button will appear but will not contain the Label, TextField, or Button.


 A Window will appear containing a Label at the top, a TextField below the Label, and a Button  below the TextField.


 A Window will appear containing a Label on the left, a TextField to the right of the Label, and a button to the right of the TextField.


解析: 暂无解析
更多 “单选题import java.awt.*;   public class Test extends Frame {   public Test() {   add(new Label(“Hello”) );   add(new TextField(“Hello”) );   add(new Button(“Hello”) );   pack();   show();    }   public static void main(String args) {   new Test ();   }   }   What is the result? ()A  The code will not compile.B  A Window will appear containing only a Button.C  An IllegalArgumentException is thrown at line 6.D  A Window button will appear but will not contain the Label, TextField, or Button.E  A Window will appear containing a Label at the top, a TextField below the Label, and a Button  below the TextField.F  A Window will appear containing a Label on the left, a TextField to the right of the Label, and a button to the right of the TextField.” 相关考题
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