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You deploy your companys Internet Web site. You need to deny anonymous access to the Web site, allowing only authenticated users. Which code segment should you use?()

<authorization> <allow users=?/> </authorization>


<authorization> <deny users=?/> </authorization>


<authorization> <deny users=*/></authorization>


<authorization> <allow users=*/> </authorization>


解析: 暂无解析
更多 “单选题You deploy your companys Internet Web site. You need to deny anonymous access to the Web site, allowing only authenticated users. Which code segment should you use?()A authorization allow users=?/ /authorizationB authorization deny users=?/ /authorizationC authorization deny users=*//authorizationD authorization allow users=*/ /authorization” 相关考题
考题 单选题乳房纤维腺瘤可做()A 药物治疗B 乳房切开引流术C 乳腺肿块切除术D 单纯乳腺切除术E 乳癌根治术

考题 单选题女,53岁.近2~3年来月经不调,表现为周期延长,经量增多且淋漓不净,此次停经3个月,阴道出血10余天,量多,给予诊刮止血,刮出物组织学检查为子宫内膜腺瘤样增生过长。该病人的最佳治疗方案是()A 诊刮后应用强效孕激素B 全子宫切除术C 诊刮后抗炎治疗D 子宫内膜电切术E 诊刮后观察随访

考题 单选题您有一台运行 Windows 7 Home Premium 的计算机。您需要将这台计算机升级到 Windows 7 Ultimate。您必须用最短的时间实现该目标。您应该怎么做?()A 执行 Windows Anytime UpgradeB 下载并运行 Windows 7 升级顾问C 插入 Windows 7 安装媒体。从“安装 Windows”对话框中,选择“升级”选项D 从 Windows 7 安装媒体启动计算机。从“安装 Windows”对话框中,选择“升级”选项

考题 单选题术后并发肺不张和肺炎的病人易发生()A 代谢性酸中毒B 代谢性碱中毒C 呼吸性酸中毒D 呼吸性碱中毒E 高钾血症

考题 单选题You develop a Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) service. You enable all performance counters and run multiple calls to the service.The service must isolate session data to each user. You need to monitor the instancing behaviour used in the service. Which performance counter should you monitor?()A ServiceModeService ServiceModeService ASP.Net StateService / Server Sessions ActiveD ASP.Net StateService / Server Sessions Total

考题 单选题You develop a Web application. Your application contains two settings in the Web.config file. You deploy your application to production. You need to modify the application settings in the production environment without manually editing the XML markup in the Web.config file. What should you do? ()A Modify the application settings by using the Web Site Administration Tool.B Modify the application settings by using the Visual Studio property page editor for the project.C Modify the application settings by using the resource editor.D Modify the application settings by using the Visual Studio start options editor.

考题 单选题关于SLE的叙述,不正确的是()A SLE是累及全身多个系统的自身免疫性疾病B 育龄妇女高发C 典型皮损为面部蝶形红斑D 其筛查试验为血清抗核抗体检查E 多数可自愈

考题 单选题You work in a company which uses SQL Server 2008. You are the administrator of the company database. Now you are in charge of a SQL Server 2008 instance. There is a database named DB1 in the instance. The latest differential backup is performed at 15:30, the full back up was performed at 13:30, and database snapshots were created at 16:30 and at 17:30. The backups and the database snapshots are stored on a different disk from the database files. At 17:05, the hard disk containing the database files fails at 17:02 hours. You must restore DB1 while reduce data loss to the least.  So what action should you perform to achieve this goal? ()A You should restore the full backup B You should restore the database snapshot from 16:30 hours. C You should restore the database snapshot from 17:30 hours D You should restore both the full backup and the differential backup.

考题 单选题女性,32岁,孕3个月,因四肢关节肿痛3个月,面部红斑1个多月,脱发10天,咳嗽2天就诊。既往身体健康,曾自然流产3次。根据以上病情还需做进一步检查,下列对诊断最为重要的是()A ESR、CRPB 抗核抗体谱(ANAS)C 类风湿因子D C3和CH50E 免疫球蛋白电泳

考题 单选题男性,车祸引起胸部损伤,经吸氧后仍呼吸困难、发绀,护理体检:BP76/50mmHg,P124/min,左胸部饱满有骨擦音及胸壁捻发音,叩诊鼓音,呼吸音消失,右肺清晰,应为下列哪组诊断()A 肋骨骨折,血气胸,休克B 肋骨骨折,张力性气胸,皮下气肿,休克C 肋骨骨折合并闭合性气胸,感染性休克D 肋骨骨折,开放性气胸,感染性休克E 肋骨骨折合并血胸,休克

考题 单选题防止急性胃穿孔内容物外漏的主要措施是()A 持续胃肠减压B 输液C 半卧位D 用抗生素E 以上都不是

考题 单选题某初产妇,停经50天出现阴道少量流血,伴轻微下腹痛。妇科检查发现该产妇宫颈口关闭,子宫增大,约孕50天大小,妊娠试验阳性。该孕妇最可能的诊断是()A 先兆流产B 难免流产C 不全流产D 完全流产E 习惯性流产

考题 单选题方女士,30岁,高空跌落后即昏迷,10min后清醒,人院后再度昏迷,右侧瞳孔散大,光反应迟钝,左侧偏瘫,考虑()A 硬脑膜外血肿B 脑干损伤C 脑震荡D 颅底骨折E 脑挫伤

考题 单选题下列关于高血压非药物治疗的叙述正确的是()A 仅适用于轻度高血压患者B 仅适用于轻、中度高血压患者C 适用于所有高血压患者D 轻、中度高血压患者非药物治疗可使血压降至正常E 已经应用药物治疗的患者可以不采取非药物治疗

考题 单选题男性病人,55岁,头痛3个月,多见于清晨,常出现癫痫发作,经检查诊断为颅内占位性病变、颅内压增高,拟行开颅手术。病人最可能出现了()A 枕骨大孔疝B 右侧颞叶疝C 左侧颞叶疝D 大脑镰下疝E 原发性脑干损伤

考题 单选题某病人头部损伤后,球结膜下出血,鼻孔出血且有脑脊液流出,可能为()A 鼻骨骨折B 颅盖骨骨折C 颅前窝骨折D 颅中窝骨折E 颅后窝骨折

考题 单选题产程中缩宫素引产的适应证不包括()A 过期妊娠,无阴道分娩禁忌证者B 有潜伏期延长趋势,潜伏期6小时C 活跃期继发性宫缩乏力D 母亲合并症或并发症,需要终止妊娠,并具有阴道分娩条件者E 胎膜早破12小时

考题 单选题男性,23岁,车祸中致左小腿骨折。石膏绷带包扎后正确的护理是()A 进行固定范围内的肌肉舒缩活动B 局部受压疼痛时,可向石膏管内填塞棉花C 固定范围内疼痛给予止痛药物D 未干石膏托扶时不能用手掌E 石膏染上污垢不需处理以免折断

考题 单选题Your company runs Windows Server 2008. The company network is configured as an Active Directory domain named contoso.com. The network has a Web server named WEB1. The domain users access WEB1 by using http://web1.  You generate a self-signed certificate for WEB1 and configure WEB1 to use SSL.  Users report that they get a warning message when they connect to WEB1 by using https://web1.You need to ensure that users can connect to WEB1 without receiving a warning message. What should you do?()A Add the https: //web1 name to the list of Trusted Sites zone on all the computers in the domain.B Open the Certificates console on WEB1. Export the self-signed certificate to a web1.cer file. Install the web1.cer file on all the computers in the domain.C Join WEB1 to the contoso.com domain. Reissue the self-signed certificate. Request all the users to use https: //web1.contoso.com to connect to WEB1.D Create a DNS Host (A) Record for WEB1 in the contoso.com zone. Reissue the self-signed certificate. Request all the users to use https: //web1.contoso.com to connect to WEB1.

考题 单选题下列哪项是神经根型颈椎病的临床表现()A 颈肩痛向后背放射B 臂丛牵拉试验阴性C 压头试验阳性D 神经系统检查定位征不明确E Hoffmann征(+)

考题 单选题患者,男性,31岁。因尿频、尿急、尿痛症状及尿常规白细胞20~30个/HP,诊断为"尿路感染",给予左氧氟沙星、头孢氨苄等药物口服治疗,症状不能缓解,这时首先考虑()A 慢性膀胱炎B 膀胱炎伴发结石C 肾盂肾炎D 肾结核E 膀胱憩室

考题 单选题可作为肿瘤定性诊断的检查是()A CTB B超C MRID X线造影E 细胞学检查

考题 单选题供应室包装后的物品,应在多长时间内进行灭菌()A 1~2小时内B 3~4小时内C 5~6小时内D 不超过6小时E 不超过12小时

考题 单选题You work as the IT professional in an international company which is named Wiikigo. You are experiencedin implementing and administering a network operating system. You are specialized in deploying servers,configuring Windows Server 2008 Terminal services and network application services, and configuring aweb services infrastructure. There is an Active Directory domain in your company. The company runs Terminal Services. A user has remotely logged on to the Terminal Server. The user requires help to use anapplication. When you connect to the Terminal Server session, you are not able to operate any applications. You have to make sure that you can assist any user on the Terminal Server. So what action should you perform to achieve this?()A Use remote control should be enabled with the following settings in the RDP-Tcp Properties. The Levelof control policy setting should be configured to Interact with the session. The user should be instructedto log off and log back on.B After the Tscon /v command is run from the Terminal Server, reconnect to the session.C After the Chgusr /execute command is run on the Terminal Server, reconnect to the session.D Use remote control should be enabled with default user settings in the RDP-Tcp Properties.

考题 单选题成人经静脉补充钾离子时,要求尿量每小时不得少于()A 10mlB 20mlC 30mlD 40mlE 50ml

考题 单选题关于胎儿发育,下列正确的是()A 妊娠8周末,从外观可分辨男女B 妊娠20周末,胎儿体重约为500gC 妊娠24周末,胎儿体重约为1000gD 妊娠32周末,胎儿体重约为2000gE 妊娠36周末,胎儿体重约为2500g

考题 单选题一女性青年,患慢性特发性血小板减少性紫癜,经常出血不止,血小板常在50×109/L以下,经口服泼尼松治疗6个月后症状无缓解,最近出血更为严重。最好选择下列哪项治疗措施()A 改用地塞米松治疗B 应用环磷酰胺治疗C 大量血浆置换D 做脾切除E 输血小板悬液

考题 单选题急性心肌梗死患者疼痛缓解后出现四肢厥冷、脉快细弱、血压仍然下降、尿少或无尿表现时,应考虑发生了()A 肺部感染B 低血压C 心源性休克D 心力衰竭E 心律失常