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题目内容 (请给出正确答案)
Which of the following options lists the steps in PPP session establishment in the correct order?()

Optional authentication phase, link establishment phase, network layer protocol phase.


Network layer protocol phase, link establishment phase, optional authentication phase.


Network layer protocol phase, optional authentication phase, link establishment phase.


Link establishment phase, network layer protocol phase, optional authentication phase.


Link establishment phase, optional authentication phase, network layer protocol phase.


Optional authentication phase, network layer protocol phase, link establishment phase.


解析: 暂无解析
更多 “单选题Which of the following options lists the steps in PPP session establishment in the correct order?()A Optional authentication phase, link establishment phase, network layer protocol phase.B Network layer protocol phase, link establishment phase, optional authentication phase.C Network layer protocol phase, optional authentication phase, link establishment phase.D Link establishment phase, network layer protocol phase, optional authentication phase.E Link establishment phase, optional authentication phase, network layer protocol phase.F Optional authentication phase, network layer protocol phase, link establishment phase.” 相关考题
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考题 单选题You execute the following command in your Supportcenter.cn production database to change the width of the CUST_NAME column of the CUSTOMERS table:  ALTER TABLE customers   MODIFY (cust_nameVARCHAR2 (40))   /   When you execute the command, it displays the following error message:   ERROR at line 1:   ORA-00054: resource busy and acquire with NOWAIT specified   What could be the reason for the error message?()A The database instance is not available.B The ALTER TABLE command does not have WAIT optionC The table or a row in the table is currently locked by another user session.D The database instance is busy processing other user sessions commands.E The CUSTOMERS table has no long running query active at the time when this request is made.F The server process executing the ALTER TABLE command is busy with another command execution

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