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更多 “填空题若为凭证密码双挂失,挂失满7天后需先办理_____,再挂失清户。(五级、四级)” 相关考题

考题 单选题某企业1996年亏损100万元,经过企业改制,1997年起逐渐实现盈利。1997年企业盈利25万元,1998年盈利20万元,1999年盈利16万元,2000年盈利8万元,2001年盈利24万元,2002年盈利50万元,则该企业2002年应缴纳多少所得税()A 14.19万元B 16.5万元C 9万元D 13.5万元

考题 多选题ZXSDRR8862从系统架构上主要分为:A电源模块B双工滤波器C收发信板D功放和信号防雷板

考题 单选题下列关于内部审计人员确定样本量大小说法不正确的是()。A 审计总体的量越大,样本量越大B 可容忍误差增大,样本量减少C 抽样风险越大,样本量越大D 可靠程度越大,样本量越大

考题 问答题工程项目管理的具体目标是什么?

考题 多选题Which three statements about firewall modes are correct? ()AA firewall in routed mode has one IP addressBA firewall in transparent mode has one IP addressCIn routed mode, the firewall is considered to be a Layer 2 dewDIn routed mode, the firewall is considered to be a Layer 3 deviceEIn transparent mode, the firewall is considered to be a Layer 2 deviceFIn transparent mode, the firewall is considered to be a Layer 3 device

考题 多选题乙类多层厂房的疏散楼梯应采用()。A封闭楼梯间B防烟楼梯间C室外楼梯D敞开楼梯间E剪刀楼梯间

考题 单选题Dream for Better We all have plans and dreams for a better, more ___1___ life. Yet only a small percentage of people actually achieve their ___2___ .A good question is: why? Recently, I was working with a young man who was ___3___ get on his feet. He had written out his goals, and he had powerful reasons why he wanted to achieve these goals. But after weeks of trying, he was still not much further along. So we took some time to try to understand what was holding him ___4___ .As we examined his average day, it became apparent to me that he was much too ___5__ .He was spending lots of time doing lots of different things. I ___6___ that most of what he was doing was not very important in the greater scheme of things. We did some exercises to ___7___ which activities were important, which ones were urgent and which ones was filling (or killing) time. As it turned out, most of the things he was doing throughout the day were filling time. He wasn't comfortable ___8___ he was very busy, so he created things that needed to be done. He was always working on something—yet at the end of the day, he had rarely accomplished any tasks to move him closer to the life he wanted. This behavior is fairly easy for an outside observer to spot but extremely difficult to self-diagnose. The ___9___ is to slow down and get comfortable with being still, with contemplating what we really want and whether our actions are suitable for our goals. Many of our activities are avoidance activities: we do things to fill up the time and thus avoid having to do more difficult tasks. It wasn't easy, but once the young man finally accepted that he needed to do less overall but more of the important things, his life took a dramatic ___10___ for the better. ___5___内的正确选项为()A identifyB solutionC fulfillingD busyE backF unlessG preventH turnI dreamsJ believeK suspectedL struggling

考题 单选题岗位适应型培训的特点是以岗位的()作为培训的重点内容。A 关键知识和关键技能;B 基本知识和基本技能;C 文化与价值观;D 规章制定。

考题 判断题委托加工的应税消费品,除受托方为个人外,由受托方向机构所在地或者居住地的主管税务机关解缴消费税税款。委托个人加工的应税消费品,由委托方向其机构所在地或者居住地主管税务机关申报纳税。A 对B 错

考题 单选题近几年来,人们的休闲方式不断“升级”,昔日的某些“贵族运动”如出国旅游、健身运动等,如今已经开始进入“寻常百姓家”。人们休闲方式不断“升级”的根本原因是()A 居民收入差距缩小B 社会经济不断发展C 社会商品、服务的价格水平下降D 居民家庭人口数量减少

考题 多选题陶瓷马赛克按表面性质分为()。A有釉B无釉C单釉D彩釉

考题 问答题人文一理解研究范式的基本主张是什么?

考题 单选题In regard to a hub and spoke Frame-Relay data network, what kind of physical network is it classified as?()A point-to-pointB broadcast multi-accessC nonbroadcast multipointD nonbroadcast multi-accessE broadcast point-to-multipoint

考题 单选题“洒家”一词是什么人的自称()。A 和尚B 屠夫C 宋元关西人

考题 填空题税控收款机管理系统中,税控数据接受模块下的回传监控管理数据的主要功能是:通过用户卡将监控管理数据回送到用户的收款机内,用来控制税控收款机用户下次()和()、()累计最大金额。

考题 填空题“借古以开今”是清代画家()在其()一书中提出的。

考题 单选题海上运输货物保险基本险中的平安险适用的货物特点为( )。A 低值,小宗货物B 低值,大宗货物C 贵重,小宗货物D 贵重,大宗货物

考题 单选题船舶发生海上事故,危及船上人员和财产的安全时,船长应当组织船员和其他船上人员尽力施救,下列船长的做法正确的是()。A 任何情况下船长都不得做出弃船决定B 船长应首先组织船员离船寻求救援C 船长应当最后离船D 船长应当指挥船员尽力抢救贵重财物,对于航海日志、机舱日志、油类记录簿一些不必要的东西可以抛弃

考题 单选题在探究“影响鼠妇分布的环境因素”的实验中,首先要()。A 作出假设B 制定计划C 提出问题D 实施计划

考题 问答题物流对营销四要素的影响有哪些?

考题 判断题递延年金终值的大小与递延期无关,故计算方法和普通年金终值相同。A 对B 错

考题 单选题董事会应当下设合规委员会或承担合规管理职责的专门委员会(以下简称专门委员会),专门委员会对董事会负责,根据董事会授权组织指导案防工作。专门委员会中应当至少有()名独立董事成员。A 1B 2C 3D 5

考题 问答题简述配送中心总体设计的基本要求。

考题 单选题人知觉某一客观对象时,总是利用自己已有的知识经验来认识它,并用词语把它标志出来,这是知觉的()A 选择性B 整体性C 理解性D 恒常性

考题 单选题基金销售机构对账户信息管理的主要职责是()。A 建立并管理投资人基金份额账户B 负责基金份额的登记C 基金交易确认D 以上全部都是

考题 单选题下列应该使用多栏式账簿的是( )。A 应收账款明细账B 管理费用明细账C 库存商品D 原材料

考题 判断题零担货物运费一般包括仓储、装卸等费用,其单位运费率一般较高;而整车货物的单位运费率往往较低。A 对B 错