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Your network contains an Active Directory forest. The forest contains two domains named  contoso.com and woodgrovebank.com.   You have a custom attribute named Attibute1 in Active Directory. Attribute1 is associated to User objects.   You need to ensure that Attribute1 is replicated to the global catalog.   What should you do()

In Active Directory Sites and Services, configure the NTDS Settings.


In Active Directory Sites and Services, configure the universal group membership caching.


From the Active Directory Schema snap-in, modify the properties of the User class schema object.


From the Active Directory Schema snap-in, modify the properties of the Attibute1 class schema  attribute.


解析: 暂无解析
更多 “单选题Your network contains an Active Directory forest. The forest contains two domains named  contoso.com and woodgrovebank.com.   You have a custom attribute named Attibute1 in Active Directory. Attribute1 is associated to User objects.   You need to ensure that Attribute1 is replicated to the global catalog.   What should you do()A In Active Directory Sites and Services, configure the NTDS Settings.B In Active Directory Sites and Services, configure the universal group membership caching.C From the Active Directory Schema snap-in, modify the properties of the User class schema object.D From the Active Directory Schema snap-in, modify the properties of the Attibute1 class schema  attribute.” 相关考题
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考题 问答题简述静止卫星通信的主要优点。

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