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更多 “单选题小儿泌尿系感染最主要的感染途径是()A 血行感染B 上行感染C 淋巴感染D 外伤E 邻近组织的侵袭” 相关考题
考题 多选题Your company has more than 1,000 client computers.  You deploy Windows 7 by using six different images.  A driver that is included in the images needs to be replaced.   You have the following requirements:   Update the Windows 7 images with the new driver. Ensure that the old driver is no longer available.    You need to define an image-update strategy that meets the requirements.   What are two possible ways to achieve this goal?()AMount each image by using the Deployment Image Servicing and Management (DISM) tool, and then copy the newdriver into a new folder in the image.BMount each image by using the Deployment Image Servicing and Management (DISM) tool, and then delete the olddriver and inject the new driver.CMount each image by using ImageX,and then install the new driver.DDeploy each image to a reference computer, and then uninstall the old driver and install the new driver. Capture the new image

考题 单选题女性,28岁,妊娠8个月,转移性右下腹痛10小时,伴恶心、呕吐。查体:体温37.5℃,右肋下处有压痛,无腹肌紧张和反跳痛。血常规:WBC10.1×109/L,中性粒细胞83%。 该病人诊断较为困难的原因不包括()A 盲肠被子宫推压上移B 机体免疫功能下降C 腹肌被拉直D 腹膜炎不易局限E 大网膜不易包裹炎症部位

考题 单选题The page will be posted to the server after one or more image files are selected for upload.You need to ensure that all unuploaded files are saved to the server within one call to a single event handler.  What should you do? ()A Read the HttpRequest.Files property and call the HttpPostedFile.SaveAs method for each file.B Read the HttpRequest.inputStream property and call the System.Io.File.WriteLines method for each file.C Read the HttpRequest.inputStream property and call the HttpResponse.WriteLine method for each file.D Read the HttpRequest.Files property and call the System.Io.File.WriteLines method for each file.

考题 单选题You are an enterprise administrator for Cer-tech .com. The company runs Windows Server 2008 on all the servers on the network. One of the servers, Server01 has the Web Server (IIS) role installed on it. The Server01 hosts multiple websites. Which of the following options would you choose to configure the server to automatically release memory for a single web site without affecting the other Web sites?()A Modify the Physical Path Credentials on the virtual directory.B Modify the bindings for the Web site.C Modify the Recycling options from the Application Pool Defaults.D Create a new application pool and associate the Web site to the application pool.

考题 单选题法洛四联症()A 肺动脉高压时可出现下半身青紫B 肺动脉第2音固定分裂C 易出现心律紊乱D 胸片显示肺血少,心影呈靴形E 合并严重肺动脉高压时可发生Eisenmenger综合征

考题 单选题下列哪项不是妊娠合并糖尿病的诊断依据()A 有多饮、多食、多尿症状B 反复发作的念珠菌性阴道炎C 饭后尿糖呈阳性D 空腹血糖升高E 糖耐量试验异常

考题 单选题卵巢性闭经不包括()A 卵巢早衰B 卵巢切除C 卵巢功能性肿瘤D 低促性腺激素性闭经E 多囊卵巢综合征

考题 单选题短暂性脑缺血发作,持续时间最长不超过()A 5分钟B 30分钟C 24小时D 1周E 48小时

考题 单选题您公司的网络拥有运行Windows 7的客户端计算机。一家软件供应商发行了您公司所使用的一个应用程序的第2版。您公司目前使用的是第1版。第1版和第2版不兼容。您计划部署应用程序的第2版。您需要满足以下要求:用户必须能够在他们的计算机上运行该应用程序的两种版本。当客户端计算机没有连接到网络时,也能使用第2版。您需要设计一个满足要求的软件部署流程。您应该怎么做?()A 使用Microsoft Application Virtualization(App-v)部署第2版B 将第2版部署为Remote Desktop ServicesRemoteAppC 使用组策略软件安装策略部署第2版D 使用Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager数据包部署第2版

考题 单选题急性心肌梗死患者疼痛缓解后出现四肢厥冷、脉快细弱、血压仍然下降、尿少或无尿表现时,应考虑发生了()A 肺部感染B 低血压C 心源性休克D 心力衰竭E 心律失常

考题 单选题Terminal Services application runs on the server. Users report that the application stops responding. You monitor the memory usage on the server for a week. You discover that the application has a memory leak. A patch is not currently available.  You create a new resource-allocation policy in Microsoft Windows Server Resource Manager. You configure a Process Matching Criteria named TrackShip and select the application.  You need to terminate the application when the application consumes more than half of the available memory on the server. What should you do?()A Configure the resource-allocation policy and set the maximum working set limit option to half the available memory on the server. Set the new policy as a Profiling Policy.B Configure the resource-allocation policy and set the maximum working set limit option to half the available memory on the server. Set the new policy as a Managing Policy.C Configure the resource-allocation policy and set the maximum committed memory option to half the available memory on the server. Set the new policy as a Profiling Policy.D Configure the resource-allocation policy and set the maximum committed memory option to half the available memory on the server. Set the new policy as a Managing Policy.

考题 单选题您的网络包含一个无线访问点。您有一台运行 Windows 7 的计算机。该计算机连接到该无线访问点。您禁用无线访问点上的服务集标识符 (SSID) 广播。您发现现在无法从该 Windows 7计算机连接到该无线访问点。您需要确保计算机可以连接到该无线访问点。您应该怎么办?()A 从凭据管理器修改一般凭据B 从凭据管理器修改Windows 凭据C 从网络和共享中心打开“网络发现”D 从网络和共享中心修改无线网络连接设置

考题 单选题您有一台运行 Windows 7和WindowsInternetExplorer 8的计算机。您已经在这台计算机上安装了一个第三方 Internet Explorer 工具栏。您需要暂时禁用该工具栏。解决方案不得影响任何其他已安装的工具栏。您应该怎么做?()A 启动“InPrivate 浏览会话”B 运行 Msconfig.exe 并启用“有选择的启动”C 从“工具”菜单中,选择“兼容性视图设置”D 从“工具”菜单中,打开“管理加载项”并修改加载项设置

考题 单选题You are integrating a Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) service within an enterprise-wide Service Oriented Architecture (SOA).Your service has the following service contract: [ServiceContract]public class CreditCardConfirmationService { [OperationContract] boolean ConfirmCreditCard(string ccNumber); double OrderAmount(int orderNumber);} You need to allow the code in the ConfirmCreditCard method to participate automatically in existing transactions.If there is no existing transaction, a new transaction must be created automatically. What should you do?()A Inside the ConfirmCreditCard method, surround the code that must participate in the transaction with a using(new TransactionScope()) block.B Inside the ConfirmCreditCard method, surround the code that must participate in the transaction with a using(new CommittableTransaction()) block.C Add an [OperationBehavior(TransactionScopeRequired=true)] attribute to the ConfirmCreditCard method.D Add an [OperationBehavior(TransactionAutoComplete=true)] attribute to the ConfirmCreditCard method.

考题 单选题链霉素皮内试验的进皮剂量是()A 20U/0.1mlB 250U/0.1mlC 15U/0.1mlD 0.25mg/0.1mlE 50μg/0.1ml

考题 单选题特发性血小板减少性紫癜患者应避免使用下列哪种药物()A 泼尼松B 阿莫西林C 红霉素D 双嘧达莫E 地西泮

考题 单选题方女士,30岁,高空跌落后即昏迷,10min后清醒,人院后再度昏迷,右侧瞳孔散大,光反应迟钝,左侧偏瘫,考虑()A 硬脑膜外血肿B 脑干损伤C 脑震荡D 颅底骨折E 脑挫伤

考题 单选题从精子和卵子结合到小儿出生称为()A 胎儿期B 婴儿期C 幼儿期D 学龄前期E 学龄期

考题 单选题与血浆蛋白结合率较高的药物所致的中毒,促进已吸收药物排出的有效方法是()A 血液透析B 腹膜透析C 血液灌流D 吸氧E 利尿

考题 单选题患者,女性,55岁,会计,身高155cm,体重70kg,有高血压病史10年,其母亲和2个姊妹患有2型糖尿病。1个月前体检时发现空腹血糖6.8mmol/L来诊。平日无不适,不喜欢运动。患者75g葡萄糖OGTT结果:空腹血糖6.7mmol/L,餐后2小时血糖为12.6mmol/L,提示患者为()A 糖耐量正常B 糖耐量降低C 空腹血糖正常D 糖尿病E 尚不能确定诊断

考题 单选题某小儿体重为15kg,A药物的成人剂量为每日2g,B药物的小儿剂量为每日每公斤体重40mg。该小儿A药物的剂量为()A 每日300mgB 每日400mgC 每日500mgD 每日600mgE 每日700mg

考题 单选题病人,男性。急诊在硬膜外麻醉下行阑尾切除术,术后用平车护送病人入病室。病室内适宜的温、湿度是()A 温度14~15℃,湿度15%~25%B 温度15~16℃,湿度60%~70%C 温度10~17℃,湿度30%~40%D 温度20~22℃,湿度40%~50%E 温度18~22℃,湿度50%~60%

考题 多选题You are preparing for a new installation of SQL Server 2005. You need to select the protocols that client computers might use to connect to the server.  Which two protocols can you use to achieve this goal?()ANamed PipesBTCP/IPCShared MemoryDVirtual Interface Adapter (VIA)EMultiprotocol

考题 单选题损伤后的转变期出现的时间是()A 伤后1~2天B 伤后2~3天C 伤后3~5天D 伤后5~7天E 伤后7天以上

考题 单选题许某,男性,55岁,脊柱结核手术后卧床2周,出现右小腿疼痛、有紧束感,并逐渐出现水肿。该患者出现的术后并发症是()A 肌肉萎缩B 水电解质紊乱C 关节炎D 切口感染E 下肢深静脉血栓形成

考题 多选题You are a systems administrator who has recently installed and configured FTP 7 on a computer runningWindows Server 2008. You have enabled the FTP Over SSL (FTPS) option for the server by obtaining anSSL certificate from a trusted third-party issuer. Recently, the usage of the FTP site has increased, andusers are complaining about slow download performance. You want to configure SSL settings to encryptonly credentials and commands but not file-related information. You also want to optimize encryption performance. Which of the following settings changes should you make?()ASelect the Allow SSL Connections SSL Policy option.BDisable the Use 128-bit Encryption For SSL Connections Option.CSelect the Require SSL Connections SSL Policy option.DSelect the Custom SSL Policy option.

考题 单选题传染病患者用过的床单位正确的处理方法是()A 将污染被服撤下送洗衣房清洗B 将污染被服先消毒后送洗衣房清洗C 将床垫用消毒液浸泡消毒D 将病床放在日光下曝晒E 物品消毒后铺好暂空床

考题 单选题You have two servers named FC1 and FC2 that run Windows Server 2008 Enterprise Edition. Both servers have the Failover Clustering feature installed. You configure the servers as a two-node cluster. The cluster runs an application named APP1. Business hours for your company are 09:00 to 17:00. APP1 must be available during these hours. You configure FC1 as the preferred owner for APP1. You need to prevent failback of the cluster during business hours. What should you do?()A Set the Period option to 8 hours in the Failover properties.B Set the Allow failback option to allow failback between 17 and 9 hours in the Failover properties.C Enable the Prevent failback option in the Failover properties.D Enable the If resource fails, attempt restart on current node policy for all APP1 resources. Set the maximum restarts for specified period to 0.