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更多 “flume中的agent包含四大组件分别为source、task、channel、sink” 相关考题
考题 In information theory, "information" is regarded as knowledge which reduces or removes(71) about the occurrence of a specific event from a given set of possible events. The concept "event" is to be understood as used in the theory of probability. For instance, an event may be the occurrence of a(72) character or word in a given message or in a given position of a message.In communication theory, channel is defined as that part of a communication system that connects the message source with the message sink. An encoder may be inserted between the message source and the input to the channel, and a(73) between the output of the channel and the message sink. Generally, these two units are not considered as being parts of the channel. In certain cases, however, they may be considered as pans of the message source and message sink,(74) In information theory(75) to Shannon, the channel can be characterized by the set of conditional probabilities of occurrence of all the messages received at the message sink when a given message emanates from the message source.A.uncertaintyB.unreliabilityC.randomnessD.inconsistency

考题 flume中channel组件有什么作用()A、计算数据B、缓存数据C、输出数据D、清理数据

考题 flume中的基本存储单元是?()A、agentB、eventC、sourceD、channel

考题 以下属于flume的组件的是:()A、sourceB、ChannelC、GridFSD、Sink

考题 flume的配置是给指定的agent使用的

考题 agent组件中不包含哪个?()A、sourceB、sinkC、channelD、broker

考题 flume的source可以获取哪些数据()A、某个端口的文本数据B、指定目录内的数据变更C、基于http的数据源D、其他agent传送过来的数据

考题 在Flume中Agent组件使用()来运行FlumeA、zookeeperB、consumerC、producerD、JVM

考题 flume中的三大组件为source、channel、sink

考题 flume的配置文件不能给多个agent使用

考题 以下哪个组件不是agent中包含的()A、sourceB、sinkC、channelD、broker

考题 flume在配置文件中需要对以下哪几步操作()A、配置sourceB、配置sinkC、配置channelD、将source、channel、sink连接起来

考题 Flume中配置一个Agent,需要配置的有哪些?()A、配置sourceB、配置sinkC、配置channelD、将source、channel、sink连接起来

考题 flume可以配置多个agent,但是agent之间不能进行数据交流

考题 flume中的三大组件为source、channel、sinks

考题 flume中channel的作用是用来缓存数据的

考题 flume中的source组件是专门用来收集数据的

考题 flume的组件包括如下几种?()A、sourceB、ChannelC、GridFSD、Sink

考题 kafka主要组成部分是source、sink和channel

考题 flume中channel组件的作用是()A、计算数据B、缓存数据C、输出数据D、清理数据

考题 如果想正常启动flume,需要给flume进行哪些配置()A、配置sourceB、配置sinkC、配置channelD、将source、channel、sink连接起来

考题 flume在配置文件中操作有如下几个()A、配置sourceB、配置sinkC、配置channelD、将source、channel、sink连接起来

考题 flume中的sink组件是专门用来收集数据的

考题 在flume中,以下属于agent组件的成员是()A、sourceB、ChannelC、GridFSD、Sink

考题 flume架构中的sink组纪检能够将数据存储到hbase中

考题 单选题哪个不是Flume的channel类型?()A MemoryChannelB FileChannelC JDBCChannelD HDFSChannel

考题 ( 难度:中等)下列选择中,哪个不是Flume的组件A.sourceB.channelC.producerD.sink