


Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao called Tuesday for action to alleviate pollution, representing the highest-level acknowledgment to date of hazardous air-quality levels across much of China in recent weeks.

Recent smoggy weather is affecting people\'s production and their health, Mr. Wen said during a meeting with industry leaders and other private citizens, according to a statement posted on the central government\'s website.


“We should take certain and effective measures to accelerate industrial restructuring, and push forward energy conservation and emissions reduction,” Mr. Wen said. His call to address the issue also was broadcast on China\'s nationally televised evening-news program on Tuesday.


Mr. Wen\'s comments follow a similar call two weeks ago from Vice Premier Li Keqiang, who is widely expected to succeed Mr. Wen as premier in March. We should strengthen efforts to enforce environmental protection laws and remind people to protect themselves, Mr. Li said, according to state-run Xinhua news agency.


The comments came on the third straight day of gray, choked skies over Beijing. Levels of fine particulate pollution, known as PM2.5, have been at \'hazardous\' levels in the city since early Sunday morning, according to pollution monitors at the U.S. Embassy in eastern Beijing. China\'s Ministry of Environmental Protection said the smog was part of a cloud covering much of eastern and central China with an area totaling 1.3 million square kilometers, or more than three times the size of California.



下面小编为大家准备了 专四专八考试 的相关考题,供大家学习参考。

Judging from the passage, the author ______.

A.suggests that New Castle is fortunate

B.wonders at Wilmington's prosperity

C.regrets that the two places should have become so different

D.thinks that Wilmington should not tear down old houses


______'s Leaves of Grass is a collection of poems written in free verse.

A.Robert Frost

B.T.S. Eliot

C.Walt Whitman

D.Ezra Pound



lonely改成alone 解析:表示“独自一人,孤单一人”时应用alone,alone作形容词通常用作表语,在本句中作宾补。

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