


1. He told me only part of the story _D___.

A. so that was it

B. so that was this

C. and that was so

D. and that was that

1. D

【句意】 他没把事情全告诉我,就是这样。 【难点】 That’s it意为“对了”,等于That’s right,或“就这样,完了”,等于That’s all.That’s that是一句加强语气的用语,表示决心、结束争论、讲完故事等时使用的用语,意为“就是这样;就是那么回事;再没什么可说的”。根据题意,选项D正确。

2. __C__ increases every year as natural habitats disappear.

A. The amount of endangered species

B. The quantity of endangering species

C. The number of endangered species

D. The majority of endangering species

2. C

【句意】 随着自然界动物居所的消失,濒危物种的数量每年也在增加。

【难点】 endangered species意为“濒危物种”,endangered表示被动,不能换成endangering,因为ing形式表示主动。the amount of 修饰不可数名词,所以选项A不对;the quantity of和the majority of虽可修饰可数名词,但其中的endangering不合语法,所以选C。

3. Prices reach an equilibrium at the level at which quantity demanded _A___ quantity supplied.

A. is equal to

B. equal

C. equals to

D. is equal

3. A

【句意】 物价应在供求量相等的水平上达到平衡。 【难点】 be equal to意为“与…相等”,等于及物动词equal。在at which引导的定语从句中,主语为第三人称单数,而B项equal又没有词尾s,C和D两项的形式又不正确,所以A项正确,因其既合语法也合句意。

4. The tenant must be prepared to decorate the property ____the terms of the agreement.

A. with regard to

B. in relation to

C. in accordance with

D. provided by

4. C

【句意】 房客必须根据协议条款作好装修房产的准备。 【难点】 with regard to意为“有关,关于”;in relation to意为“与…相关”;in accordance with意为“根据,按照”;provided by不是习语搭配。根据题意,应选C。

5. Mr. Johnson is ____ to our party.

A. more than pleased to come

B. pleased more than to come

C. more pleased than to come

D. more pleasing than to come

5. A

【句意】 约翰逊先生非常高兴来参加我们的晚会。

【难点】 “more than+形容词”是一个常见的加强语气的结构,意为“非常…,岂只”,如:more than enough多得用不了。be pleased to do是本句要考的另一个结构,意为“高兴做某事”。综合两个结构,正确的语序应该是A。

6. She intends to move that the committee _B___discussion on this issue.

A. suspends

B. suspend

C. will suspend

D. suspended

6. B

【句意】 她想提议委员会暂时终止对这个问题的讨论。

【难点】 本句中,move后面加that从句时,从句中要求使用虚拟语气形式,即(should)+动词原形。所以选项中只有B对。


下面小编为大家准备了 专四专八考试 的相关考题,供大家学习参考。


divorce改成divorced 解析:原句中divorce为名词,名词不能作表语。

What is TRUE about the Irish Republic's economy?

A.It was the most successful among the EU countries.

B.It has increased 8% in the last five years.

C.The unemployment rate has reached its lowest level for 5 years.

D.The commodity prices have decreased greatly in the country.


We get the impression that the author seems to be ______. Hardy's impulses as a writer.

A.amazed at

B.critical of

C.fed up with

D.interested in


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