1Z0-052 问题列表
问题 多选题A database user SMITH tries to query the V$SESSION view and fails to access it as follows: SQL connect smith/smith  Connected.  SQL SELECT * FROM v$session;  SELECT * FROM v$session *  ERROR at line 1:  ORA-00942: table or view does not exist  Which are the two possible solutions to enable SMITH to query the data in V$SESSION()Agranting SELECT privilege to SMITH on V$SESSIONBgranting SELECT privilege to SMITH on V_$SESSIONCasking the user SMITH to run the catalog.sql scriptDgranting SELECT privilege to SMITH on V$FIXED_TABLESEsetting the O7_DICTIONARY_ACCESSIBILITY parameter to TRUEFcreating a view based on V$SESSION and granting SELECT privilege to SMITH on the view that was created

问题 多选题Which three descriptions are correct about the effects of the TRUNCATE command on a table()AThe corresponding indexes for the table are also truncated.BDelete triggers on the table are fired during the execution of the TRUNCATE command.CThe child table is truncated when the TRUNCATE command is applied on the parent table.DThe high-water mark (HWM) is set to point to the first usable data block in the table segment.ENo undo or very little undo data is generated during the execution of the TRUNCATE command

问题 单选题Examine the commands executed in the following sequence:  1:SQL CREATE ROLE mgrrole;  2:SQL GRANT create user,select any table,connect,resource TO mgrrole;  3:SQL GRANT select,update ON sh.sales TO mgrrole;  4:SQL CREATE ROLE ceo IDENTIFIED BY boss;  5:SQL GRANT mgrrole,drop any table,create any directory TO ceo;  6:SQL GRANT ceo TO mgrrole;  Which statement is true about the above commands()A The commands execute successfully.B Command 6 produces an error because of circular role grant.C Command 5 produces an error because a role cannot be granted to another role.D Command 3 produces an error because the MGRROLE role already contains system privileges.E The table created by HR remains and HR still has the CREATE TABLE system privilege.F The table created by HR remains and HR can grant the CREATE TABLE system privilege to other users.

问题 单选题To make audit information more productive, the DBA executes the following command before startingan audit operation:  SQL ALTER SYSTEM SET AUDIT_TRAIL=DB,EXTENDED SCOPE=SPFILE;  Which statement is true regarding the audit record generated when auditing starts after restarting thedatabase()A It contains only the plan for the SQL statement executed by the user.B It contains the SQL text executed by the user and the bind variables used with it.C It contains the plan and statistics associated with the SQL statement executed by the user.D It contains the plan for the SQL statement executed by the user and the bind variables used with it.

问题 单选题You want to create a role to meet these requirements:  1:The role is to be protected from unauthorized usage.  2:The password of the role is not to be embedded in the application source code or stored in a table.  Which method would you use to restrict enabling of such roles()A Create the role with global authentication.B Create the role with external authentication.C Create the role as a secure application role.D Create the role as a password-protected role.E Create a role and use Fine-Grained Access Control (FGAC) to secure the role.

问题 单选题You want to import schema objects of the HR user using Oracle Data Pump from the development database,DEVDB, to the production database, PRODDB. A database link devdb.us.oracle.com is created betweenPRODDB and DEVDB. You execute the following command on the PRODDB database server:$ impdp system/manager directory = DB_DATAdumpfile = schemas.datschemas = hr flashback_time = "TO_TIMESTAMP(’25-08-2007 14:35:00’, ’DD-MM-YYYY HH24:MI:SS’)"The command fails displaying the following error:ORA-39001: invalid argument valueORA-39000: bad dump file specification ORA-31640: unable to open dump file "/home/oracle/schema/schemas.dat" for read ORA-27037: unable toobtain file status What would you do to overcome the error()A Add the user, SYSTEM, to the schemas option.B Add the network_link = devdb.us.oracle.com option.C Change the dumpfile option to schema.dat@devdb.us.oracle.com.D Replace the schemas option with the network_link = devdb.us.oracle.comE Replace the dumpfile option with the network_link = devdb.us.oracle.com

问题 单选题You are managing an Oracle Database 11g database with this backup strategy:  - Every Sunday night, level 0 backup is performed.  - On Monday night and subsequent days, level 1 incremental backup is performed.  The backups are not cumulative incremental.  Which statement about Monday’s backup is true()A The backup contains all the used blocks.B The backup contains all the used and unused blocks.C The backup contains blocks that have changed since the last level 0 backup.D The backup contains blocks that have changed since the last level 1 backup taken last week.

问题 多选题You execute this command to drop the ITEM table, which has the primary key referred in the ORDERS table:SQL DROP TABLE scott.item CASCADE CONSTRAINTS PURGE;  Which two statements are true about theeffect of the command()ANo flashback is possible to bring back the ITEM table.BThe ORDERS table is dropped along with the ITEM table.CThe dependent referential integrity constraints in the ORDERS table are disabled.DThe dependent referential integrity constraints in the ORDERS table are removed.EThe table definition of the ITEM table and associated indexes are placed in the recycle bin

问题 单选题The TRANS_SUMMARY table contains product-wise transaction details that get updated with every transactionin the system. Each row has cumulative transaction details of a single product and every product is identified bya product code, which is the primary key.As part of the archival process, the company wants to transfer therows in the TRANS_SUMMARY table to the TRANS_SUMMARY_DUP table at the end of every quarter of theyear. Along with existing products, the company deals with many new products during every quarter. Whichmethod is best suited for this quarterly data transfer()A Using the MERGE commandB Using the SQL*Loader utilityC Using the correlated UPDATE commandD Using the INSERT command to perform bulk operation

问题 单选题Automatic Shared Memory Management is disabled for your database instance. You realize that there arecases of SQL statements performing poorly because of repeated parsing activity, resulting in degradation ofperformance.  What would be your next step to improve performance()A Run the SQL Access AdvisorB Run the Memory Advisor for the sga.C Run the Memory Advisor for the pga.D Run the Memory Advisor for the shared pool.E Run the Memory Advisor for the buffer cache

问题 多选题Which two files in the database can be configured for automatic backups by using the autobackupfeature in Recovery Manager (RMAN)()Adata filesBcontrol filesCparameter fileDonline redo log filesEserver parameter file

问题 多选题Which two statements are true regarding Oracle Data Pump()AEXPDP and IMPDP are the client components of Oracle Data Pump.BDBMS_DATAPUMP PL/SQL packages can be used independently of the Data Pump clients.COracle Data Pump export and import operations can be performed only by users with the SYSDBA privilege.DOracle Data Pump imports can be done from the export files generated in the export utility of previous versions.EEXPDP and IMPDP use the procedures provided by DBMS_METADATA to execute export and import commands.

问题 单选题Which task would you perform before you run Oracle Universal Installer (OUI) in silent or suppressedmode for an installation()A Run the root.sh script.B Create the oraInst.loc file.C Create the tnsnames.ora file.D Run the oraintRoot.sh script.

问题 多选题Which operations require undo data()ACommitting a transactionBFlashing back a transactionCRecovering a failed transactionDRunning a read-consistent queryEChanging a tablespace status from READ ONLY to READ WRITE

问题 单选题The HR user creates a stand-alone procedure as follows and grants the EXECUTE privilege on theprocedure to many database users:  CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE create_dept ( v_deptno NUMBER, v_dname VARCHAR2, v_mgr NUMBER, v_loc NUMBER) BEGIN  INSERT INTO hr.departments VALUES (v_deptno, v_dname, v_mgr, v_loc); END;  The users having permission to execute the procedure are able to insert records into the  DEPARTMENTStable even though they do not have the INSERT privilege on the table. You want only those users whohave privileges on the DEPARTMENTS table to be able to execute the procedure successfully.  What would you suggest to the PL/SQL developers to achieve this()A Create the procedure with definer’s right.B Create the procedure with invoker’s right.C Grant the EXECUTE privilege with GRANT OPTION on the procedure to selected users.D Create the procedure as part of a PL/SQL package and grant the EXECUTE privilege on the package to selected users