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热耗率(heat rate)


更多 “热耗率(heat rate)” 相关考题
考题 什么是汽轮机组的汽耗率和热耗率?

考题 在容量、参数相同的情况下,回热循环汽轮机与纯凝汽式汽轮机相比较,()。A、汽耗率增加B、热耗率增加C、汽耗率减少D、热耗率减少

考题 每生产1KWh的电能所需要的热量称为汽轮发电机组的()。A、汽耗量B、汽耗率C、热耗量D、热耗率

考题 每生产1KWh的电能所需要的蒸汽量称为汽轮发电机组的()。A、汽耗量B、汽耗率C、热耗量D、热耗率

考题 衡量不同类型机组的热经济性,应用()。A、电功率;B、汽耗率;C、热耗率

考题 什么叫汽耗率? 热耗率?

考题 什么叫汽耗率?什么叫热耗率?

考题 什么叫汽耗率、热耗率?它们之间有何关系?

考题 在容量、参数相同的情况下,回热循环汽轮机与纯凝汽式汽轮机相比较,()。A、汽耗率增加,热耗率增加;B、汽耗率增加,热耗率减少;C、汽耗率减少,热耗率增加;D、汽耗率减少,热耗率减少。

考题 热耗率

考题 朗肯循环采用回热后()A、汽耗率和热耗率都上升B、汽耗率和热耗率都下降C、汽耗率上升但热耗率下降D、汽耗率下降但热耗率上升

考题 谓汽耗率?何谓热耗率?它们与热效率有什么关系?

考题 什么是微增热耗率?它与热耗率有那些区别和联系,它们各适用于什么场合?

考题 热耗率和微增热耗率的区别是什么?各自适用于什么场合?

考题 什么是热耗率?

考题 何谓热耗量和热耗率?

考题 问答题什么叫汽耗率? 热耗率?

考题 单选题However fast or slow the combustion rate, it is still a () between carbon, hydrogen, sulphur and oxygen that releases heat.A physical deformationB state exchangeC chemical reactionD coalescence

考题 单选题Which of the statements listed concerning heat transfer is correct?()A Heat is always transferred at a constant rateB Heat transfer rate increases as temperature difference increasesC The rate of heat transfer is not affected by temperature differenceD The high temperature region is known as a heat sink

考题 单选题The rate of heat transfer from a hot region to a cold region is affected most by the ().A size of the heat sinkB temperature difference between the regionsC size of the heat sourceD total heat of the system

考题 单选题Which of the following statements is correct concerning heat transfer?()A Heat is given off from a high temperature region known as a heat sinkB Heat transfer rate is affected most by the size of the heat sink involvedC Heat transfer rate is affected most by the temperature difference between the heat source and the heat sinkD Heat transfer by radiation will occur only by mass motion of a fluid substance

考题 单选题The rate of heat transfer between the hot and cold fluids passing through a shell-and-tube type heat exchanger will ().A remain constant along the tubes lengthB be greatest in a single pass counter flow heat exchangerC remain constant throughout the heat exchangerD vary from section to section through out the heat exchanger

考题 单选题The purpose of designing some waste heat boilers with sinuous fire tubes, is to()A increase exhaust gas velocity through the boilerB reduce accumulations of carbon deposits on the heat transfer surfacesC eliminate exhaust gas pulsations and noiseD increase the rate of heat transfer to the waterside

考题 单选题Generating tubes in waste heat boilers are finned to ().A reduce gas flow turbulenceB prevent exhaust gas corrosionC increase the rate of combustionD increase the rate of heat transfer

考题 问答题什么是微增热耗率?它与热耗率有那些区别和联系,它们各适用于什么场合?

考题 单选题Fins are installed on the generating tube surfaces in waste heat boilers to ().A prevent soot fires in the exhaust systemB prevent exhaust gas erosion of the tubesC increase the velocity of exhaust gas flowD increase the rate of heat transfer

考题 单选题Physical exertion on the part of a person who has fallen into cold water would().A be the best thing to try if there was no rescue in sightB increase survival time in the waterC increase the rate of heat loss from the bodyD not affect the heat loss from the body