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The novel made a great impact on its readers.



解析:本句意思:“这本小说对其读者产生了巨大的影响。”influence:影响。例如:He received the biggest influence from his father.父亲对他产生了巨大的影响。force:力,效力。例如:Hitler tried to use military force to take over the country but failed.希特勒试图应用武力占领那个国家,但是失败了。surprise:惊奇、惊喜。例如:To our surprise , she turned up at the wedding.让我们感到惊喜的是,她在婚礼上露面了。power:力量、能力。例如:Hydro-power is a kind of clean energy.水电是一种清洁能源。
更多 “ The novel made a great impact on its readers.A:force B:influence C:surprise D:power” 相关考题
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考题 Much of the power of the trade unions has been lost. __________, their political influence should be very great.A.As a result B.As usual C.Even so D.So far

考题 共用题干 第二篇Ants Have Big Impact on Environment as "Ecosystem Engineers"Research by the University of Exeter has revealed that ants have a big impact on their local environment as a result of their activity as"ecosystem engineers"and predators.The study,published in the Journal of Animal Ecology,found that ants have two distinct effects on their local environment.Firstly,through moving the soil by nest building activity and by collecting food they affect the level of nutrients in the soil.This can indirectly impact the local populations of many animal groups,from decomposers to species much higher up the food chain.Secondly,they prey on a wide range of other animals,including larger prey which can be attacked by vast numbers of ant workers.Dirk Sanders,an author of the study from the university's Centre for Ecology and Conservation,said, "Ants are very effective predators which thrive in huge numbers.They're also very territorial and very aggressive,defending their resources and territory against other predators.All of this means they have a strong influence on their surrounding area.""In this research,we studied for the first time how big this impact is and the subtleties of it.What we found is that despite being predators,their presence can also lead to an increase in density and diversity of other animal groups.They genuinely play a key role in the local environment,having a big influence on the grassland food web,"Sanders said.The study,carried out in Germany,studied the impact of the presence of different combinations and densities of black garden ants and common red ants,both of which can be found across Europe,including the UK. It found that a low density of ants in an area increased the diversity and density of other animals in the local area,particularly the density of herbivores and decomposers.At higher densities ants had no or the opposite effect,the predation counteracting the positive influence.Dr Frank van Veen,another author on the study,said:"What we find is that the impact of ants on soil nutrient levels has a positive effect on animal groups at low levels,but as the number of ants increases,their predatory impacts have the bigger effect一thereby counteracting the positive influence via ecosystem engineering."Ants are important components of the ecosystem not only because they constitute a great part of the animal biomass but also because they act as ecosystem engineers.Ant biodiversity is incredibly high,and these organisms are highly responsive to human impact,which obviously reduces its richness.However,it is not clear how such disturbance damages the maintenance of ant services to the ecosystem.Ants are important in below ground processes through the alteration of the physical and chemical environment and through their effects on plants,microorganisms,and other soil organisms.What does Paragraph 6 tell us?A:Ants bring about a negative influence to an area when their population is small.B:Ants bring about a positive influence to an area when their population is small.C:Ants' predation counteracts the positive influence they may have on an area.D:At higher density,ants produce a positive influence on an area.

考题 共用题干 Ants Have Big Impact on Environment as“Ecosystem Engineers”Research by the University of Exeter has revealed that ants have a big impact on their local environment as a result of their activity as“ecosystem engineers”and predators. The study,published in the Journal of Animal Ecology,found that ants have two distinct effects on their local environment.Firstly,through moving of soil by nest building activity and by collecting food they af-fect the level of nutrients in the soil. This can indirectly impact the local populations of many animal groups,from decomposers to species much higher up the food chain.Secondly,they prey on a wide range of other animals,including larger prey which can be attacked by vast numbers of ant workers.Dirk Sanders,an author of the study from the university's Centre for Ecology and Con-servation,said:“Ants are very effective predators which thrive in huge numbers. They're al-so very territorial and very aggressive,defending their resources and territory against other predators. All of this means they have a strong influence on their surrounding area.”“In this research,we studied for the first time how big this impact is and the subtleties of it. What we found is that despite being predators,their presence can also lead to an increase in density and diversity of other animal groups. They genuinely play a key role in the local environment,having a big influence on the grassland food web,”Sanders said.The study,carried out in Germany,studied the impact of the presence of different combinations and densities of black garden ants and common red ants,both species which can be found across Europe,including in the UK.It found that a low density of ants in an area increased the diversity and density of other animals in the local area,particularly the density of herbivores and decomposers. At higher densities ants had no or the opposite effect,showing that predation is counteracting the positive influence.Dr Frank van Veen,another author on the study,said:“What we find is that the impact of ants on soil nutrient levels has a positive effect on animal groups at low levels,but as the number of ants increases,their predatory impacts have the bigger effect一thereby counteracting the positive influence via ecosystem engineering.”Ants are important components of ecosystems not only because they constitute a great part of the animal biomass but also because they act as ecosystem engineers. Ant biodiversity is incredibly high and these organisms are highly responsive to human impact,which obviously reduces its richness. However,it is not clear how such disturbance damages the maintenance of ant services to the ecosystem. Ants are important in below ground processes through the alteration of the physical and chemical environment and through their effects on plants,microorganisms,and other soil organisms.What does paragraph 6 tell us?A: Ants bring about a negative influence to an area when their population is small.B: Ants bring about a positive influence to an area when their population is small.C: Ants'predation counteracts the positive influence they may have on an area.D: At higher density,ants produce a positive influence on an area.

考题 共用题干 第二篇Research by the University of Exeter has revealed that ants have a big impact on their local en-vironment as a result of their activity as"ecosystem engineers"and predators.The study,published in the Journal of Animal Ecology,found that ants have two distinct effects on their local environment.Firstly,through moving of soil by nest building activity and by collecting food they affect the level of nutrients in the soil.This can indirectly impact the local populations of many animal groups, from decomposers to species much higher up the food chain.Secondly,they prey on a wide range of other animals,including larger prey which can be at-tacked by vast numbers of ant workers.Dirk Sanders,an author of the study from the university's Centre for Ecology and Conservation, said:"Ants are very effective predators which thrive in huge numbers.They're also very territorial and very aggressive,defending their resources and territory against other predators.All of this means they have a strong influence on their surrounding area.""In this research,we studied for the first time how big this impact is and the subtleties of it. What we found is that despite being predators,their presence can also lead to an increase in density and diversity of other animal groups.They genuinely play a key role in the local environment,haying a big influence on the grassland food web,"Sanders said.The study,carried out in Germany,studied the impact of the presence of different combinations and densities of black garden ants and common red ants,both species which can be found across Eurone.including in the UK.It found that a low density of ants in an area increased the diversity and density of other animals in the local area,particularly the density of herbivores and decomposers.At higher densities ants had no or the opposite effect,showing that predation is counteracting the positive influence.Dr Frank van Veen,another author on the study,said:"What we find is that the impact of ants on soil nutrient levels has a positive effect on animal groups at low levels,but as the number of ants increases,their predatory impacts have the bigger effect一thereby counteracting the positive influence via ecosystem engineering."Ants are important components of ecosystems not only because they constitute a great part of the animal biomass but also because they act as ecosystem engineers.Ant biodiversity is incredibly high and these organisms are highly responsive to human impact,which obviously reduces its richness. However,it is not clear how such disturbance damages the maintenance of ant services to the ecosystem.Ants are important in below ground processes through the alteration of the physical and chemical environment and through their effects on plants,microorganisms,and other soil organisms.What does paragraph 6 tell us?A:Ants bring about a negative influence to an area when their population is small.B:Ants bring about a positive influence to an area when their population is small.C:Ants' predation counteracts the positive influence they may have on an area.D:At higher density,ants produce a positive influence on an area.

考题 As both a religion and a social force,Puritanism has made a widespread influence in the United States.A: afar-reaching B: a disturbing C: an annoying D: a favorable

考题 As both a religion and a social force,Puritanism has madea widespread influence in the United States.A: a far-reaching B: a disturbing C: an annoying D: a favorable

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考题 The book made a great, impact on its readers.A:force B:influence C:surprise D:power

考题 The passage is primarily concerned with( ) A.the role of involuntary memory in Proust’s writing B.evidence concerning the genesis of Proust’s novel Remembrance of Things Past C.the influence of Saint Beuve s criticism on Proust’s novel Remembrance of Things Past D.Proust’s correspondence and what it reveals about Remembrance of Things Past

考题 单选题Who has eyes can see what great achievements we have made since 1978.A WhoB has eyesC what great achievementsD have made

考题 问答题The novel was later made into a play.

考题 单选题_____ our great surprise, the new secretary can speak four foreign languages.A OfB InC ToD For

考题 单选题_____ our great surprise, our company has made much more profit than we expected last year.A ForB InC WithD To

考题 单选题______ our great surprise, our company has made much more profit than we expected lastyear.A ForB InC WithD To

考题 问答题Practice 1  France today is no superpower, but French influence in some spheres is significant. Nothing has cemented French influence in the world like the decision made by the victorious World War II powers in 1945 to include France as one of the five permanent, veto-wielding members of the Security Council. Until the end of the Cold War, France rarely found itself in disagreement with Britain or the U.S. on major issues. But the U. N. veto today takes on larger significance as France struggles to decide whether it wants to lead the European Union in defiance of American power or in partnership with it.  As America’s great media outlets have begun preparing for coverage of the D-Day celebrations, the question of a “grand gesture” by the French toward the American war in Iraq, has been raised. Administration officials hint that. perhaps,just perhaps,the French President wm use the occasion of France's rescue as an opportunity to square the accounts—to issue a blanket endorsement of America 78 plan for Iraq’s future and throw its support behind the transfer of power looming at the end of the month. France certainly wants the United States-to be successful in Iraq at this point. But France seems unlikely to see D-Day as an opportunity to make good on a 60-year-old debt. Beyond nice speeches and some truly fine cuisine, don't expect France to liberate America from Iraq.

考题 单选题To my great surprise, the famous athlete’s story ______ differently in the newspapers.A was reportedB reportedC was reportingD reports

考题 单选题1______ our great surprise, the new secretary can speak four foreign languages.A OfB InC ToD For

考题 单选题Much of the power of the trade unions has been lost. ______ , their political influence should be very great.A As a resultB As usualC Even soD So far

考题 单选题Which of the following statements about pump operations is NOT a correct statement?()A In order for a fluid to be pumped, a fluid must be made to flowB A substance must be cold in order for it to be pumpedC The kinetic energy imparted by the pump can be used to force a liquid through a hydraulic systemD A pump must receive its energy from an external source