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I propose that we discuss this at the next meeting.



解析:这句话的意思是:我建议我们在下次会议上讨论这个问题。句中“propose”意为“建议”。 四个选项中A项意为“建议”;B项意为“要求”;C项意为“需要”;D项意为“命令”。因此只有A项最为合适。
更多 “I propose that we discuss this at the next meeting.A:suggest B:request C:demand D:order” 相关考题
考题 –So what should we do next ?–() A、Let’s have a cup of tea, and then discuss the plan.B、I am not clear.C、No hurry.D、I’m too busy to do anything.

考题 It was too noisy, ______ we couldn’t hear _____ he said at the meeting. ( ) A、 so, thatB、 so, whatC、 that, whatD、 to, that

考题 I hope you will be _____ higher spirits when we meet next time . A.toB.onD.ofD.in

考题 —Morning, Daniel. Today I’d like to discuss the promotional events of our products with you. —() A.Hi, I agree with what you have just said.B.Good morning, Kevin. Nice to meet you, too.C.Ok. I think we should draw up a thorough plan, first.

考题 Owing to the lack of agreement on this last subject a decision on promotion methods would _____ the next meeting.

考题 If we ___ the other road ,we might have arrived here in time for the meeting. ( )A.takeB.had takenC.tookD. have taken

考题 What is happening when we give gifts? Most important, we are exchanging gifts. If someone gives me a gift for my birthday, I know that I am usually expected to give one on his or her next birthday. A gift builds up or confirms a social oblingation(义务).

考题 Joe: We haven't got together for a long time. How about lunch next week? Nancy: I'm pretty tied up all next week. How about we plan on two weeks from today? ______. Joe: OK. Wednesday in two weeks.A.I can reach it on that WednesdayB.I can make it on that WednesdayC.I can get it on that WednesdayD.I can assure it on that Wednesday

考题 — Betty, we'll have a buffet party next Saturday. Will you join us? — _______ , Susan. Thank you! A I'd love to ;B I'm afraid not ;C By no means

考题 -Could I suggest we meet to review the issue and propose a mutually satisfactory solution? -__________________________ A You are welcome. You can visit us any time you like. ;B That’s alright. I’ll wait for your reply as soon as possible. ;C Sure, we will try our best jointly to deal with the issue.

考题 He __ when we were at a meeting. A. burst inB. burst toC. burst into

考题 MemoTo: David Green, Chief of Operations From: Tony Party, Supervisor Date: March 22, 2017Subject: Comments on the “Punch-in” SystemThis is further to your memo dated March 20, 2017, in which you 1) _______ that employees adopt the punch in system.I fully 2) _______ with you that we must increase productivity. As far as your proposal is 3) _______, I don’t think we would have a tighter 4) _______ over the employees if the “punch-in” system is adopted. I personally think that, to accomplish this, we should give the employees more 5) _______ to work faster. I feel that if we (the supervisors) could meet with you, we could discuss different possibilities to create such incentives. Your consideration of this suggestion would be appreciated. T. P.

考题 –– Frank: We haven't got together for a long time. How about lunch next week?–– Nick: I' m pretty tied up all next week. How about we plan on two weeks from today?____.–– Frank: OK Wednesday in two weeks.A: I can reach it on that WednesdayB: I can get it on that WednesdayC: I can assure it on that WednesdayD: I can make it on that Wednesday

考题 Today is too busy. Let's discuss it some times next week.()

考题 Mr.Johnson insisted that the problem worthy of attention ________(讨论)at the meeting.(discuss)

考题 Question 61-63 refer to the following email. To: Barry Weinstein (bweinstein@celgar.com) From: Andrew Kim (akim@celgar.com) Subject: Next month Date: August 3 Barry, Thanks again for arranging that videoconference last week. I just heard form Maxine Dawson, our account manager for the Johnson Company account, that the next product trial will be September 8 in their production plant in Denver. She has requested that I fly D. A presenter at an award ceremony. out there with her. Of course, I still plan to attend the Engineering Society awards dinner in San Francisco on September 9, so I've booked a flight there after the meeting. Let me know when you‘ll be arriving there. I'm looking forward to seeing you honored in San Francisco. You deserve it! Regards, Andrew Kim Celgar Associates What is the purpose of the e-mail? A. To propose a meeting in Denver. B. To request financial support for a trip. C. To announce the winner of an award. D. To confirm travel plans.

考题 We need to speak further about this.This sentence means we need to discuss the problem more.A对B错

考题 We need to speak further about this.This sentence means we need to discuss the problem more.

考题 翻译:I’d like to remind you that we have to withdraw our offer if we don ’ t hear from you by next Monday.

考题 问答题Practice 14  ● You work for an advertising agency as the Project Consultant. You have received the following letter from Ms. Reeves, the PR Manager of your client, ABC Consulting Co.Dear Mr. Bridges,  I am writing to you to propose a meeting with you on the 15th. At the proposed meeting, I would like to discuss with you how to organize an advertising campaign for our clients. I would like to have your advice on having an appropriate budget for such a project. Please let me know if you will be avail- able for the proposed meeting.  I look forward to hearing from you soon.Sincerely,Marianne ReevesPR ManagerABC Consulting Co.  ●Write a letter to Ms. Reeves:  ● apologizing for being unable to attend the meeting  ● explaining why you cannot attend the meeting  ● suggesting another date (make it reasonably soon)  ● asking her to contact your secretary to confirm the appointment  ●Write 60-80 words  Dear Ms. Reeves,

考题 单选题This time next week my boyfriend and I will be on vacation. Probably we ______ in the sunshine.A am lyingB have lainC will be lyingD will have lain

考题 单选题_____A Where to have the meeting.B When to have the meeting.C Who to attend the meeting.D What to discuss at the meeting.

考题 单选题—Let’s discuss the plan, shall we?—Not now, I ______ to an interview.A goB wentC am goingD was going

考题 单选题The first question we now discuss is _____ we should go there so early tomorrow.A whetherB whereC whatD whom

考题 问答题翻译:I’d like to remind you that we have to withdraw our offer if we don ’ t hear from you by next Monday.

考题 填空题The proposal about the annual sales (discuss) ____ at the next board meeting.

考题 单选题Please note that I will be away from Boston next week, _____ you want to call me and discuss things.A in caseB unlessC untilD so that