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You executed the following command to drop a user:DROP USER scott CASCADE;Which two statements regarding the above command are correct?()

A. All the objects of scott are moved to the Recycle Bin.

B. Any objects in the Recycle Bin belonging to scott are purged.

C. All the objects owned by scott are permanently dropped from the database.

D. All the objects of scott in the Recycle Bin must be purged before executing the DROP command.

E. Any objects in the Recycle Bin belonging to scott will not be affected by the above DROP command.


更多 “ You executed the following command to drop a user:DROP USER scott CASCADE;Which two statements regarding the above command are correct?() A. All the objects of scott are moved to the Recycle Bin.B. Any objects in the Recycle Bin belonging to scott are purged.C. All the objects owned by scott are permanently dropped from the database.D. All the objects of scott in the Recycle Bin must be purged before executing the DROP command.E. Any objects in the Recycle Bin belonging to scott will not be affected by the above DROP command. ” 相关考题
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