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第 22 题





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第 13 题




做这种题的方法,就是把所有的溶液的浓度都用PH来表示,因为PH越小,氢氧根的浓度也就越小A pH=0的溶液(不需要转化)B 0.05mol/L H2SO4溶液(氢离子浓度为0.1mol/L,PH=1)C 0.5mol/L HCL溶液(氢离子浓度为0.5MOL/l,PH也是大于0的)D 0.05mol/L Ba(OH)2溶液(氢氧根浓度为0.1mol/L PH=13)所以说,选A



第 20 题当北极圈上出现极夜时,此时(  )



2019年成人高考高起点英语模拟试题及答案(5)与2019年成人高考高起点英语模拟试题及答案(6)2019年成人高考高起点英语模拟试题及答案(5). Phonetics (10 points)Directions:In each of the following groups of words, there are four underlined letter combinations marked A, B, C and D. Compare the underlined parts and identify the one that is different from the others in pronunciation. Mark your answer by blackening the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.1.A. caused B. wished C. guessed D. dressed2.A. tea B. read (原形) C. real D. steal3.A. through B. famous C. route D. wounded4.A. native B. active C. national D. narrow5.A. like B. limit C. knife D. inside6.A. ear B. early C. earth D. earn7.A. thank B. another C. smooth D. clothes8.A. afternoon B. classroom C. roommate D. boot9.A. houses B. horses C. rises D. exercises10.A. expression B. discussion C. vision D. permission. Vocabulary and Structure (40 points)Directions:There are 40 incomplete sentences in this section. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose one answer that best completes the sentence and blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.11. _ riding to school, Mary usually goes to school on foot.A. Without B. Rather than C. Instead of D. Inspite of12. The teacher will tell us _ to have the exam next Monday.A. if B. that C. if not D. whether13. In order to grow well, the Blue Sprace, like other pine trees, _ a temperate climate.A. require B. requires C. is required D. that requires14. It took them more than ten years to _ the defensive works.A. build in B. build into C. build on D. build up15. I havent decided which seat _.A. to sit B. is to sit C. to sit on D. is for sitting16. Susan wants to know whether the measures have been agreed _.A. to B. with C. over D. on17. All _ is a continuous supply of the basic necessities of life.A. what is needed B. for our needs C. the thing needed D. that is needed18. His hard work _ when he won the prize.A. paid off B. showed off C. rang off D. kept off19. The fire _ two persons death as well as the damage of all the stores property.A. is resulted in B. is resulted from C. resulted in D. resulted from20. On Sundays I prefer _ at home to _ out.A. to staygo B. staygoing C. stayinggoing D. stayinggo21. Generally, the thicker a mammals (哺乳动物) skin is, the less hair _.A. that has it B. that it has C. has it D. it has22. My father _ an invitation to a dinner party, but he _ it.A. acceptedreceived B. receivedacceptedC. accepteddidnt receive D. receiveddidnt accept23. _ their homework, the children went for a walk.A. When they were doing B. After they have doneC. Having done D. They had done24. My parents never let me _ alone.A. to travel B. to travelling C. travelling D. travel25. Hardly 、_ the classroom when the class began.A. had he entered B. he had entered C. he entered D. he was entered26. We all enjoy working _ him because he is a kind leader.A. along B. in C. under D. on27. She is _to refuse, so I have to give in.A. a too kind girl B. too a kind girlC. too kind a girl D. a gird kind too28. He couldnt use his own car because it _ then.A. was being repaired B. was repairingC. is repairing D. has been repaired






全国人大会议一般为( )举行2017党员普法考试模拟试题(含答案)2017党员普法考试模拟试题(含答案)。








第 13 题《选择与安排》选自( ) 。






第 3 题下列各函数中,既是增函数又是奇函数的是(  )










  一般地,设函数f(x)的定义域为D,如果对于定义域D内的某个区间上的任意两个自变量的值x1,x2 ,当x1<x2时,都有f(x1)<=f(x2),那么就说f(x)在这个区间上是增函数。 此区间就叫做函数f(x)的单调增区间。



第 3 题

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更多 “2019年成人高考高起点《英语》模拟试题及答案(5)与2019年成人高考高起点《英语》模拟试题及答案(6)” 相关考题
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